I would like to meet people who love America as much as I do, and can't live without music! Wake up America, you're losing your ass and your freedoms, and don't even seem to realize it! Washington D.C. is now the politboro and the current administration is about as Communist as it gets! We are losing more of our liberty everyday. Do you really want the government to tell you what kind of light bulbs you have to use, or what kind of car you have to drive, or especially what kind of health care your are going to get? What has the government ever run successfully? NOTHING, is the answer! Everything the government gets involved in ends up costing 10-20 times what they tell us it will, and the services we get are minuscule. Virtually EVERYTHING can be better handled in the private sector. Keep in mind these political clowns are all lawyers and have never had a real job in their lives. DO NOT TRUST THEM. An unarmed society is a slave society, so when they come for your guns, remember that. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA, I LOVE YOU!