Hello my name is steven, you can call me steven. Yes, I do know the notorious kat shelby. I have been known to tread water for three days in a row. I woo women with my godlike and sensous drum skills. I am an expert in dance, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru. I enjoy urban hangliding, remodeling airports, and scubadiving in the artic.
My favorite food is pizza, which i have won many fantastic awards for making. And im a pices. I can dodge traffic, and bullets. On weekends, to let off stress, I participate in full-contact origami. I make amazing four course meals using just a whisk and a toaster. I breed prizwinning pearls and I play bluegrass cello. I skip, I weave, I jump, I frolic, and all my bills are paid.
I have been known to lift trucks with ease. My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. On Tuesdays, after school, i repair electrical appliances free of charge. Critics swoon over my original line of spandex evening wear. When i get bored, i refurbish entire dining rooms. I know the plot to every movie in the world, i occasionaly beat up bears for fun.
I once killed a t-rex with my bare hands. I can destroy galaxies with my sexual charisma. I have the power to blow up things with my mind. The beatles once wrote a song about me called, Steven is a Badass. It is still today very popular in areas on the equator.
I did in fact steal the cookie from the cookie jar, and many jars world wide. I organized the assasination of Hitler. I scaled mt. everest in a single bound. For fun i paint exquisite masterpieces so that i may be burn them to the ground
-by kat shelby,,