Holy cats. I have a MySpace page. Somebody check hell, it may be frozen. I am spaceiriffic, it is spacetastic and I feel spacetacular.
Seriously though, this little site has proved to be a pretty amazing way to hook-up and keep in touch with many long-lost pals. Good times indeed.
Personally, we were affected by the August 07 floods of SE MN in a small way... we had a few inches of water in the basement. Had to move everything out and pull up the carpet. I was bummed out at first.. but compared to what other people in the area have lost, I can't complain.
We're down to zero cats at the old home front. Bonzo was put down last spring and Baxter was sent packing somewhat recently because he was being a naughty boy. Kinda lonely without the kitties... but, we'll wait a bit and let Erica pick out a kitty or two on her own one of these days.
My daughter Erica continues to grow like a weed. Her latest talents include: running (not walking) every-frickin-where, singing & dancing, playing peek-a-boo, making animal sounds, getting into anything and everything she isn't supposed to and learning so many new words that I can't keep up anymore. She is also quite the little narrator. Below are some of the latest and greatest videos... check back for updates.
Yes, those are Mr. Potatohead's Glasses.
Yes, they are on upside-down. She won't do this trick without 'em:
She's too busy swimming (and saying CHEESE) to get out of the tub:
Little Phish Phan: