Lillian profile picture


About Me

So you all know you need to get your asses to Portland and see me!I'm working for a Chinese Import Business and reporting local news for Willamette Week, an alternative weekly.I'm learning how to cook and the kitchen is quickly becoming a much loved passtime. Guess who got me on that one.I love yoga and for once in my life am trying to figure out how to be good to my body.But for all of you who know, I still have my high priorities: good nights of rowdiness and general tear piecing.I love a lot of things. One of them is pen palling. I've had many come and go, and there is NOTHING like getting a hand written letter. Will you be my new pen pal?My family rocks and I don't like being so far away from them, or the dogs, but I have my Portland family and that makes me happy.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Andre from OutKast. I did in my dreams once. And my Dad's parents, because they both died before I could get to know them.

My Blog

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