Ozziee profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm just like anyone else, well for the most part anyway. Im a nice person i love having fun, and just hanging out w/ my peeps. I am a big fan of games , like fast cars, sports aspecially tennis!... and all the other typical guy things. I like to run to and I hope to one day run a marathon, I think it'd be kinda cool but i dont think it will happen haha., but I've been really lazy in that aspect of life lately. I also like new clothes when I can drag my lazy self to the store...."; I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Love games aspeically final fantasy so for all u fans out there PEACE out! ya

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet anyone really... who is not afraid to try new things .with a great sense of humor, open, intelligent... Fun people . Someone with an open mind and a positive outlook. Im always up for a laugh and so are the people I surround myself with. add me on Osmanakram382@hotmail.com or on myspace up to ya.Beginning :P


Any music is fine depending


Final fantasy Advent Children , Versus , all jetlee bruce lee jackie chan films , Matrix , Equilbrium , harry potter , Pirates of the Caribbean , Spider-Man , Back to the future and other various good films


Heros , Prison break , Lost , Ugly betty , Judge judy , Friends , Saved by the bell , all anime dragonballz , Bleach , Naruto , Deathnote ,




Cloud strife!. u own mate teach me how to use that blunt sword...:D!lt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"

My Blog

This Is My Story (FFX)

Final fantasy 10  ( My favourite :D) even though most people prefer ff7 Who is tidus? This is my story...While playing a blitzball game at Zanarkand, we were attack by a gigantic creature called ...
Posted by Ozziee on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 07:53:00 PST