(no order) art designing,art sports (baseball big time) reading writing music
Humphrey Bogart, Pete Rose, Valentino, Russell Crowe, Socraites, Plato and Cleopatra, Elizabeth Hurley, Mel Gibsom, Einstein,...
really...when i say all kinds- its all about the moment and that which makes it better
boondock saints, shawshank redemption, the thin red line, thomas crowne affair, lock stock and two smoking barrels, snatch, fight club, don juan demarco, oceans eleven, the perfect storm, a beautiful mind, gladiator, swingers, what dreams may come, the ninth gate, sixth sense, momento, click, romeo and juliet (the relatively new one), original sin...and more
the history channel, cnn and hbo series
catcher in the rye (disappointment), da vinci code, angels and demons, the celestine prophecy, behold a pale horse, tuesdays with morrie