This is how he SHOULD make you feel
The Royal Tannenbaum's, The flight of the Navigator, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Spinal Tap, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Merlin, Signs, The Sixth Sense, Clerks, The Aviator, favorite movie EVER Sliding Doors (go ahead & laugh), Shawshank Redemption, Billy Madison, Clue, American Beauty, Home Alone (yes still), Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy (thanks for all the fish!), home movies of the kid-ohs, reservoir dogs, ESOTSM, Saved! (I'M FILLED WITH CHRIST'S LOVE!), Garden State, the Never-ending Story, I phucking love Dogma, the Jerk, Zoolander, Almost Famous, Napolian Dynamite, Juno, Mean Girls ect
Heros, Lost, Extras, House, futurama, M*A*S*H*, Scrubs, the office, Weeds (apparently any show with a one word title...) , Top Chef, Queer as Folk, Gilmore girls, American Idol, Mystery Science Theater 3000, John & Kate plus 8! ; growing up my favorite shows were: Duck Tales, Tale spin, ninja turtles, Chip & Dales & Punky Brewster, Mr. Wizard, little house, full house
All Harry Potter, a million little pieces, angels & demons, a child called it, the left behind series, Little House on the Prairie collection, Running with scissors, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, the client, the juror, john grisham & james patterson novels in general
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