eileen. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Not much to tell. ♬Its not rocket surgery. ♫I have two kids, a house (why yes i do have a white picket fence!) ♪I have lots of family and friends. ♩My children are fabulous. ♬I have been known to eat frosting right out of the container. ♫I heart Harry Potter books and classic rock. ♪I am a big dork and I am not ashamed of it. ♩I think Rhode Island is the best state ever & I will never ever leave. ♬I get car sick if I am not driving. ♫I buy ugly pumpkins because i feel bad for them. ♪I sincerely wish I liked soccer. ♩I never close any cabinets in the kitchen & it looks like a scene from The Sixth Sense. ♬My favorite smell is Oust citrus scent. ♫I have 4 tattoos. (check 'em out on the photo section; leave comments if you wish) ♪I have 1 brother & 1 sister. ♩I like to talk with a British accent & say things like Bollocks & call people gits. ♬If I am outside when it is cold I swell up and get hives. ♫When I am drunk I think Paulie Shore is a comic genius. ♪I wear purple glasses when I read. ♩I have a cat named Cleo who is 15 years old. ♬I have a beagle named Belle. ♫I think it so sad when 40 something women wear their daughters clothes. ((not cute)) ♪My friends Norma & I can read each others minds. ♩I always read magazines backwards. ♬I am Dyslexic (Lex-dyc-sic), but mostly with numbers. ♫I have high cholesterol. ♪I can touch my nose with my tongue. ♩I live for coffee ♬I get my eyebrow's threaded. ♫Sublime reminds me of old friends and good times, the wonder years; via 1996. ♪I have a mild Hal Sparks obsession. ♩I use back to basics shampoo & conditioner ♬I think people who go tanning will someday make a fortune suing the tanning places that gave them all cancer. ♫When my feet are cold I blow dry them. ♪Canned food disgusts me, except olives, which I eat from the can. ♩I call people DUDEY or LIL' DUDEY regaurdless of said persons gender & or height. ♬I have been called abrasive; amongst other things. ♫I suffer from chronic migraines

My Interests

This is how he SHOULD make you feel




The Royal Tannenbaum's, The flight of the Navigator, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Spinal Tap, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Merlin, Signs, The Sixth Sense, Clerks, The Aviator, favorite movie EVER Sliding Doors (go ahead & laugh), Shawshank Redemption, Billy Madison, Clue, American Beauty, Home Alone (yes still), Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy (thanks for all the fish!), home movies of the kid-ohs, reservoir dogs, ESOTSM, Saved! (I'M FILLED WITH CHRIST'S LOVE!), Garden State, the Never-ending Story, I phucking love Dogma, the Jerk, Zoolander, Almost Famous, Napolian Dynamite, Juno, Mean Girls ect


Heros, Lost, Extras, House, futurama, M*A*S*H*, Scrubs, the office, Weeds (apparently any show with a one word title...) , Top Chef, Queer as Folk, Gilmore girls, American Idol, Mystery Science Theater 3000, John & Kate plus 8! ; growing up my favorite shows were: Duck Tales, Tale spin, ninja turtles, Chip & Dales & Punky Brewster, Mr. Wizard, little house, full house


All Harry Potter, a million little pieces, angels & demons, a child called it, the left behind series, Little House on the Prairie collection, Running with scissors, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, the client, the juror, john grisham & james patterson novels in general


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My Blog

My New Haircut

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JMOh-cul6M ...
Posted by eileen. on Tue, 27 May 2008 07:34:00 PST

My Prince Charming

Posted by eileen. on Mon, 12 May 2008 04:16:00 PST

Check out my video!

Posted by eileen. on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:43:00 PST


Here are the rules. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits or embarrassing things about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post thes...
Posted by eileen. on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 12:28:00 PST

Brian Blomfield

Brain Blomfield... not to be confued with Brian Bloomfield. I have so many memories with him... I think he would think fondly of me for writing this "blog" a little (lot) drunk. Did you know he was bo...
Posted by eileen. on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 08:56:00 PST

The Bitch Is Back!

Last night Brad & I saw Elton John at the Dunk. It was PHABULOUS!  So, I will not bore you with the parking story or the womans restroom story because they were frustrating & I would actu...
Posted by eileen. on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 04:04:00 PST

Shananagan Mittens

I started work at my new store today. BLAH. My amiga & Golden Girl buddy Jen (AKA Blanche) asked me to be her baby's Godmother **awwww** I get to name the baby (in my dreams) who will be a girl an...
Posted by eileen. on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 06:30:00 PST


I just wanted to say a special thank you to all my friends who came to celebrate with Norma & I last night. You rock. I WOULD have pics up already but Alex broke my camera. (it is being repaired....
Posted by eileen. on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:02:00 PST

Hal Spax rox my sox!

(I have been mega sick for a week, thank God on Thursday I started to feel better for Friday night. AKA Hal night)So, last night, myself, Mike & Sarah packed into the minivan and headed to Mohegan...
Posted by eileen. on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 04:59:00 PST

glasses part dos

Audrey has been doing very well with her glasses & she looks super cute. She has had them for one week now, which means life is about to deal me some crap. Like to hear it? Here it goes. She tripp...
Posted by eileen. on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 01:40:00 PST