"The Saturday Nite Show" was born October 19,2002. Joseph Price had the idea and dream for the show for several months,and soon when he and Kearnel Giles sat down and worked everything out, that Dream soon Became a Reality! for the next 3 years TSNS would shock the World of Radio, making even Howard Stern's(Their Idol)show look like it was Rated G. Which if you have'nt noticed, means they were doing some pretty Hardcore stuff. From isulting anything and everything, to bringing imaginary guests(Prentending it were people they hated) and killing them off on the show. Buzz & Charlie became outragiously Popular when they made an Appreance on the TSNS-TKGS Special on December 28,2002. TSNS would have a spin off show known as "The Kearnel Giles Show" that was born in November of 2002, with it's finale being in September of 2005. After the end of the original TSNS in November of 2005, Joseph Price reverted to Christianity and both he and Kearnel Giles would go their seperate paths, and it looked as though "The Saturday Nite Show" Was finished. But Now Joseph and Giles are at it again, only this time their is A NEW Host Joining them for a GLOBAL Debut! With a whole NEW Look and Attitude, Joseph and Giles have promised that this version of "The Saturday Nite Show" will be even Better than the Original! TO get things started Joseph will now Be reffered to as "JoE StaRR" and the newest host if none other than November Burton!
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