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About Me

The Campaign Against Living Miserable (C.A.L.M) was launched as a charity in March 2006. CALM is aimed at men aged between 15 and 35. CALM offers young men a website, with information about a range of issues including drugs, relationships and debt. Our website can be seen here
Why do we exist? Because suicide accounts for the deaths of more young men, aged 15-35, than any other single cause over the last 4 years. More men have died from their own hands in the last 4 years than have died in road accidents, drugs or AIDs. We need to change that...
There is pressure on men to deal with problems on their own; a lot of this pressure is from friends, family and the media. Men are pressured to be strong and silent, however we believe that being silent isn’t being strong. It can be hard to talk about personal things - especially with family or friends. The important thing to remember is that if you are feeling down, isolated or generally pissed off, you are not alone. It happens to everyone at some time in his or her lives. CALM believes that young men should be offered support if they are having difficulties in their life, whether the problem is big or small CALM is here to support and provide information.
Keeping problems, thoughts and feelings bottled up inside isn’t healthy, it is important that these thoughts and feelings are dealt in a positive way, you have to deal with it, otherwise it will become overwhelming.
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I'd like to meet:

Musicians, DJs, producers, promoters, comediens, sports bods, celebs, PR people, marketing pros and all young men who back the campaign...

My Blog

launch of calm's myspace

OK so here it is, finally, CALM's myspace page.  CALM stands for Campaign Against Living Miserably, CALM is a registered charity offering support, info and advice for young men.  See www.thecalmzone.n...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 13:40:00 GMT