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Jordan: i just have a way with women. Henry: women, what, men? What, trannies? Sean: that made no sense***** (Nick starts walking in slow motion, i stair in confusion) Henry: what the hell are you doi- o my, i'm going to pour this on your head!***** Nick: i'm the man with the power here, i have the keys. Henry: yer and i'm the man paying for this call so, goodbye!****** All: a 1,2,3,4 glasses of water!*****Jake: O jewish bitch-wank!****** Rob: you have no anus! Henry: that isn't an insult. Sean: shut up poo head!***** Sean: look how anti- social i am- MUG!***** Henry: Penis, rocket, FINGERNAIL!!! *******Mr. Winter: Yes Henry, what is excrement? Henry: POO!******* Peter: That's not today's paper is it?| Nick: yes well ah... But it's the sports section.| Peter: Oh, well that's ok then... Hmm, we're not very good men are we?! *****Sean:...the...*******Henry: what the hell?! Why didn't you just ring the bell? Nick: waste of electricity! Henry: i thought you were some psycho killer! Nick: haha! Henry: like, i heard it the first time and i was like, what? then i heard it again, and was like, holy crap, then i heard it a third time and i walked over to the door and thought 'i'm gunna die aren't i?!' then i saw ted... Nick: hahahahaha!******** Henry: what the hell, don't touch me- crazy fool! Zak: Who do you think you are- Wesley Snipes?!****** i love my science teacher- She's soooooo fat!......(a few days later we were talking about sean's science teachers mustache) Sean: she is so cool- she's fat- and hairy!!***** Henry: hey, how was the wedding? Jack: Gay!... i mean lesbian***** Sean: What are you dowan?!?! ****** Henry: are they good skaters? Sean: dunno, wasn't looking at their boards...********Henry: i think i just tried to nearly almost might of got myself mugged there. *******Nick: There's no place like ASDA- yes there is... Walmart!***** Sean: i would plow that 'till next October!******Henry: Do you think they can hear us? Sean: Dunno... OI BLACKY!?(henry looks in disgust and horror)... -no they can't hear us hahaha.**** Lewis: We should show dan the shit and the chain... That'd be shiting!***** Zak: would you rape an eight- year- old girl, to save you'r parents? Henry: WHAT?! Zak: A girl of your choice. Henry: What difference would that make?!***** Zak: To save your family, would you suck off Mr. Stone... in church.****** Zak: To save your family, you have to suck off a nun... in church.******Henry: So jack, how did you experience the party? Jack: Fuck you.**** Henry: She just called you a nigger... Sean: YES!!***** Richard: The worst thing to get pissed on is wine! Nick: O really why's that? Richard: It's not that you get hung- over, it's just you wake up feeling like a bag of arseholes!******Jake: Stoke- home of darts... stay away from Stoke then.****** TV: ...I hope you've enjoyed the world championship of darts... Nick: Nope... ****** Jack: ahh that's waxed up like a PRO!***** Ash:(Playing chinease whispers) I'm the Michelin man...***** Rob: Ahh I'd love to have one of those jet showers, they're so cool! Henry: Yes, but not very good for the environment... Sean: who cares, global warming doesn't matter when your rich!***** Zak: He's really old now. Henry: Haha i know. Zak: Like, shit your pants old. You know? Can't Even wipe. Henry: Hahahahaha!******* Henry: ahhh Pascal should come! Fruity: Yes, but he's to sensible, he probably won't come... Henry: Yer, he's way to 'upper-class' for our plebbish enjoyment schemes!***** Henry: Two girls shit in a cup and then drink it!! Sean: eww thats horrible... Rob & Sean: GO ON IT!!! Sean: You could eat that with a chopstick..... or TWO..******* Jake: Tell your friend he looks like a gimp. Henry: .......Thats a girl.... Jake: Well tell her she looks like a male gimp.****** Fruity: Yes, just doing it. Henry: Hehe, doing it... 'it'... he... Fruity: hahah Henry. Henry: haha Fruity: Henry? Henry: Yes? Fruity: Just NO!**** Sean: Why do you take so long to poo, i mean, for me its just like, shit- wipe- done!***** Zak: That's not retro! Beating your wife is retro!**** Sean: Ahh what are you Cunting?!*** Henry: O My God you are shitting on my doorbell!***** Henry: Why is it only humans care about their appearance? Zak: That one doesn't...***** Mr Winter: Bye you two- and don't go asking teachers if they have ever slept with black men.****** Girl: You could stick it inside me any day! Rob: You too!***** Nick: Is Video Box open till nine or ten? Mum: I would have thought either nine or ten...******* Sean: I'm so excited that Henry can't see lighthouses...***** Rob: Chris just ruined his chance to score some sweet poon- he bailed, and some bird came up to him and was all 'ah are you ok' and he was just like ' yer, i'm a skater- i learn to deal with it'- what the fuck man- CRY!**** Henry: I have drawn a Kangaroo... Oh fucking hell!**** Sean: Why didn't you just turn it off? Zak: I was a bit more concerned about my balls in a Hoover!**** Kid: Do you like phlegm? (why he asked that i do not know) Zak: Only if its coming out of my penis and onto your mums face.**** Aithne: Break me off a piece of that!!***** Herbie Flowers: The girls like this one... Henry: No they don't... they run away from us...**** Sean: What we should do is: freeze him, then, 300 years later, thaw him out and he'll be really pissed***** Pascal: Sometimes you say these things which, technically are impossible!***** Chrissy: Ooo, sounds fancy, Henry: No, just french***** Henry: Well what's the point in not drinking alcohol for two years? Nick: To show you didn't need it to have fun. Henry: Well, show you don't need tea to -- Nick: You DO need tea to have fun! You DO need tea to have fun!***** Fred: coz well dont get me started.... he is a fuckin doctor! he allows u n nick to hav parties! he allows underage drinkin! and he probably knows we were smokin weed! that is a fuckin legend u eat ur dinner with!**** Zak: So... this is what getting drunk without spirits is like.... it's shit.**** Zak: What about the fourth one? Mr Hollman: We don't worry about them, they'd probably die anyway.**** Mr Hollman: It's always good to fail, all the time**** Mr Hollman: Iinformation is money- Knowledge is power**** Mr Hollman: Literature is death and sex**** Mr Hollman: If you sit there for twenty minutes in silence for twenty minutes and you are completely and utterly bored, you have learnt something**** Mr Hollman: Each day is a little death**** Henry: You like Hendrix, right? Rob: Dude, i play guitar...**** Henry: Yeah Sean was like: 'It's just a fence' Molly: Oh, he just can't appriciate art**** Francesca: It would be fun to party forever Henry: Yeah, one hell of a bad hangover at the end of it though... You'd have to go to pergatory to recover, not repent.**** Molly: Henry, you are the wasps ankles**** Zak: Have you noticed, we are the coolest mother fuckas in the galaxy? Henry: I had noticed we were pretty badass...****

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