Sean profile picture


Driving A Truck

About Me

Ok first of all what the fuck are you doing on my page? if your still here welcome to my world its full of wonder, fun and gorgeous girls from the world of sports illustrated its a weird world, with plenty going on, as you can see from the page i love music, any kind of music from popular stuff to stuff you might never of heard of, check out some of the bands on my friends page. Just like everyone one day i will die. i also love movies, flicks, films, cinematic extravaganza's you get the picture (no pun intended). Also i like food. when it comes to sports im pretty into anything but do tend to have my favs football, snowboarding, surfing, mountainbiking, rockclimbing anything really and thanks to my good man chester i also have developed a bit of a liking for lacrosse. also i like drinks. If you like what you see give me a msg or leave me a comment to let me know what you think of it or just so random shit, videos, pics... either or its your shout.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Profile Editor

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Eye Color Green
Hair Color Dark
Height 6'0
Favorite Color Red
Screen Name Sean
Favorite Band The Beatles
Favorite Movie Saving Private Ryan
Favorite TV Show The Simpsons
Your Car Mercedes SLR Type722 but i prefer the bus
Your Hometown Manchester
Your Present Town Manchester
Your Crush's First Name James Bond Need to know
Your Grade ?
Your Style My Own

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop Yep
Kissed someone in the rain Yep
Danced in a public place Yep
Smiled for no reason Yep
Laughed so hard you cried Yep (Many Times)
Peed your pants after age 8 Yep (And Proud Of It)
Written a song Not Yet
Sang to someone for no reason Yep
Performed on a stage Yep
Talked to someone you don't know No
Made out in a theater Yep
Gone roller skating since 8th grade No
Been in love Yep

...Can You...

Write with both hands No (It's The Work Of The Devil)
Whistle Yep
Blow a bubble Yep
Roll your tongue Yep
Cross your eyes Yep
Touch your tongue to your nose No
Dance No
Speak a different language Yep
Impersonate someone Yep
Cook anything Yep

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... King For A Day.......
I wish ... For More Wishes
So many people don't know ... What Is Real
I am ... The Walrus
My heart is ... Beating ( I Think)
Take this survey

My Fears

I would / I wouldn't / I have

Touch a snake I Have
Ride in a hot-air balloon I Would
Sky dive I Would
Scuba dive I Have
Dive with sharks I Would
Sing in front of a huge audience I Wouldn't
Sit in the front of a roller coaster I Have
Walk through a graveyard alone at night I Have
Join a space mission I Wouldn't
Call off a wedding I Wouldn't
Walk naked through a crowded city I Would
Call Mike Tyson a girl to his face I Have
Disarm a bomb I Wouldn't
Clean the outside windows on a skyscraper I Would
Go on tour with a rock band I Would
Go skinny dipping in mixed company I Have
Heckle a comedian at a comedy club I Would
Eat something really gross I Have
Take this surveyYour results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 80% Superman 75% Hulk 75% The Flash 70% Supergirl 65% Catwoman 65% Iron Man 65% Batman 60% Green Lantern 60% Wonder Woman 45% Robin 45% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Blog

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