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Mufuckaz really tried 2 do da kid, but I aint neva goin!

About Me

30 Things You Might Not Know!! by ktwalter73
What are you listening to right now?: Dedication 2
What was the last thing you ate?: flammin hots and pizza
If you were a crayon what color would you be?: RED
How is the weather right now?: rainy as eva
What color is your underwear right now?: wouldn't u love to know
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: nunya
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Face and what they have on
Favorite type of food?: Pork chops
Do you drink?: yerp
Ever got so drunk you dont remember?: hell naw. no matter how drunk i always rememba
What color are your eyes?: somewhat light brown
Single?: yerp
Favorite month?: September ofcourse
Last movie you watched?: How High
Favorite day of the week?: Friday
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Hell naw
Hugs or Kissess?: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate is the shit
What books are you reading?: LOL
Piercings?: Ears
Favorite movie?: I dont know
Any pets?: snake
Dogs or Cats?: none of dem shits rite now
Favorite flower?: what the fuck
Have you ever fired a gun?: unfortunately
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: plane everytime
Right handed or left handed?: LEFT
How many pillows do you sleep with?: As many as I can, usually 2 or 3
Are you missing someone?: yerp. they know who they are lol
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Random Survey by ambeezy
Name: Raquel
Nickname: Kelly, Kells, Roc, Rocaboo(dont ask)
Birthday: 9/1/1987
Birth place: Washington(not DC)
Eye color: Light Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown
piercings: Ear
Tattoos: on my back
Any siblings: 2 of em
Any pets: snake
Color: RED, blue, black
music: Rap, R&B
Holiday: Christmas ofcourse
Food: Pork chops
Animal: i dont know
Place to chill: At my crib
Non-alcoholic drink: Kool aid and tea
Alcoholic drink: Henn!!!
Season: Summer
Cologn/Perfume: I have a natural smell dont need dat shit
T.V. show: Family Guy, Futurama, Girlfriends, BET
Article of clothing: AKDMK fit
Candy: Anything Chocolate, smoothie skittles
Kind of movie: i dont know
Ice Cream: Rocky Road,...2many flavors i like 2name
Who is ur best friend: Nayale
Who is ur longest friend: Yogi, Jerome
Loudest friend: Canidice ass and LaTabitha
Prettiest friend: I dont know shit
Best eyes: i dont know
Best hair: Kai
Smartest friend: La Toya and Jessica
Favorite eye color: dont matta
Favorite hair color: black
Height: taller din me
Style: DougE
Piercings/ tattoos: both is sexy on dudes
Muscular/ really skinny: muscular
Hot/ cute: shit long as dey aint ugly
Looks/ personality: i prefer for them 2match
kissed: yall dont know em
Hugged: Squid
Told u they loved u: joel
Told them u loved them: joel
Talked to on the phone: they know who dey are lol
Yelled at: Squid
U told u hated: joel lol
Hugs/ kisses: both
Lover/ fighter: both
Friends/ family: family
Love/ money: depend on da situation
Lights on/ lights off: dont matta
T.V/ movie: movie
Car/ truck: dont matta
Cash/ check: CASH
Rock/ Rap: Rap
Strawberries/ blueberries: Strawberries is da shit
Wal- mart/ Target: wal mart all day
Sleeping/ eating: ....eating, i dont sleep no way
Do u drink: ....
Do u want to get married: when i find sum1 who is husband material
Do u want to have kids: one day
What was the last movie u saw in the theaters: damn...i dont know
Biggest weakness: hard to save money
biggest fear: Loosing someone close to me
Most missed memory: chillin wit my sis
If u don't know the number on ur caller ID, do u answer: yerp
How do u want to die: cant choose my death any so what the fuck
Do u get along with ur parents: not wit my dad- i mean Michael
Your first vehicle: Hyndai elantra 98
Current vehicle: none/ the bonnevillie/focus
Your best trait/ charateristic: Respectful
Do u like to be tickled: lol depends on where
How many speeding tickets have u received: none
What's ur favorite clothing store: City Sports
Have u ever been in love: yep
Would u rather go to a club to dance or a sit down bar: go to da club and juke
What did u dress up as last halloween: shit
What brand of shampoo and conditioner do u use: i dont know it varies
I know u don't like books, so what's ur favorite magazine: Source, VIbe
How long was ur longest relationship: 2yrs, 3months
What is the ringtone on your phone: Sex weed, thats my shit
When is the last time u worked: aug 3
Do you know how to sew: naw
About how many paris of jeans do u own: how im sposed to know
What was the last shot u took, when was this: i dont know. last motnh
What are your bad habits: not asking to use 1of my roommates' things. He still loves me though
What country do u want to visit: Puerto Rico shit
Have u been to the mall lately: hell naw
Do u like thunderstorms: y would I
Do u believe in love at first sight: NO, neva have neva will
Are u a risk- taker: yep. have 2
What do u think about most: my life struggles and how to better myself in all aspects although i know i cannot be perfect
Are u an early bird or a night owl: both
Are u laid back or high strung: laid back
Do u like to try new things: all the time
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My Interests

GOD!!!!, music, education, food, gettin money, sports, family

I'd like to meet:

People who keep it real, laid back, outgoing, LOYAL GOT DAMMIT
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Lil weezy, Beyonce, jeezy, dipset, jay z, bone thugs, twista, kanye, lupe, ciara, RKelly, lil jon, T.I., Luda, Aaliyah, busta, missy, da brat, shawna, Mary J Blige, Remy ma, Birdman & Lil Wayne - You Aint Know

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All Fridays, Napolean Dynomite, Half Baked, How High, Belly, Dont Be a Menace, Menace to Society, Green Mile,Kels Kels KelsKels Kels Kels Kels KelsKels Click here to get Falling Objects Kels Kels KelsKels Kels Kels Kels KelsKels Kels Kels Kels KelsKels Kels


Family Guy, Girlfriends, Futurama, Martin, Fresh Prince, Spongebob, Court shows♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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me,myself and I in 150 questions! by klesa
name: Raquel
nickname: Kelly, Kels,
birthday: sept 1
height: 5'2
weight: 137
hair: dark brown
eyes: light brown
any piercings?: ears
tattoos?: on my back
any siblings?: yup
what do you like to wear?: clothes
book?: I guess Zane books...when I do read them
color?: Red, Black, and blue( teal and aqua too)
movie?: Menace to Society, The punisher
celebrity?: T.I.
place?: Restaurant
food?: Pork chops, chinese food italian food, portillos, I can go on for days
dessert?: Cheesecake, anything chocolate, ice cream
alcoholic drink?: Henn, Paul, Southern Comfort, Quervo, High lifes, bat juice,
non-alcoholic drink?: kool aid
day of the week?: Friday ofcourse
number?: 1
month?: 9
city?: Chicago
country?: Its gone be Jamaica and Canada wheneva I make it there
animal?: Turtle and Dog
time of the day?: When sumbody rollin up
smell?: Soul food
tv channel?: BET, Adult Swim
song at the moment?: Buy u a drank, Kitty kat
friend?: What kinda question....
place to be?: In Hampton, VA
time of the day?: IDK
day of the week?: 2zday
song/music gender?: go-go
animal to you?: idk
drink?: Ginger Ale
food?: honey dew melon, cantelope
*have u ever...*
been so drunk that you cant remember?: I always remember no matter how smacked
cheated: yes
been cheated on?: yup
been in love?: yup
been on TV?: yup
stolen anything?: yup
been on stage?: kinda
passed out?: hell yea
had a surgery?: nope
broke the law intentionally?: not intentionally...
had a friend pass away?: yup
been lied?: yup, ofcourse
been dumped?: yup
*do you...*
do drugs?: nope!!
get drunk?: yup
dance?: all da damn time
party?: sometimes
sing?: yup
play an instrument?: french horn
get along with your parents?: yup
think you are attractive?: i guess
swear?: definately
smoke?: yerp
get motion sickness?: nope
wear contacts/glasses?: contacts
get good marks?: wtf
watch cartoon?: every once in a while
drink milk :3 ?: yup
write poems/stories?: have no time to write
take a particular medicine?: no
go to psycholog?: 4what
have a pet?: no
are you allergic to something?: bushes or sumthin
play an online rpg?: huh
get online on msn a lot?:
google a lot?: for hw
have fights?: nobody stupid
read magazines?: occasionally
read comics?: no
how many hours do you sleep?: varies, not many
how frequently do you go to hairdresser?: every summer or for an event
get along with your teachers?: yea
What's your preferred genre of music?: hip hop r&b
All-time favorite band/artist?: 2many...
All-time favorite song?: Me and My Bitch- biggie
How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite band/artist do you have?: none now
What's your favorite radio station?: 107.5 and 92.3
rock?: no
blues/jazz?: no
classical?: no
rap?: ofcourse
pop?: no
country?: no
emo/screamo?: no
heavy metal?: no
techno?: no
reggae?: hell yeah i bangs wit da reggae
r&b?: yup
time you cried?: laughin at Ray
movie you watched?:
person you talked on the phone?: Jimmy
cigarette?: dont blow squares
song played?: Me and My Bitch/Buddah Lova
thing you ate?: chinese food and cookies
time you took a bubble bath?: idk
time you got drunk?: 4/20 wk end
time you read a book?: 2months ago
email you get?: i dont know
person you got a fight?: lol davaron
time you hugged someone?: ealier
time you kissed someone?: its been a minute
time you met someone new?: las week
time you went for a date?: been a minute
*do you believe in...*
God?: Yes I Do
religions?: yep
aliens?: no
ghosts?: no
yourself?: Hell yeah
astrology?: um yeah
karma?: yup
magic?: no
*in a girl/boy*
hair: Braids, hari cut
eyes: dont matta
hobbies: goin out shit
style of clothing: DougE
kiss on first date?: no
love at first sight?: no
who do you wanna slap?: Ray, Darius
who do you wanna kill?: nobody yet
your dream: finish 6yrs of school
do you want to get married?: one day
love?: soon???
i wanna be: i have so many answers to that lol
all you need is: a back massage
identy yourself with 3 words:: Dedicated, Sweet, Goal Oriented
what is your worst characteristic?: stubborn
what are your fears?: none
what is your weakness?: time management
favourite quote?: "that papayow!!!"
cartman or kenny?: cartman
shoes you weared last time?: some 1s
what is your aim for this year?: better myself and save/get money
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