World Issues, politics, the environment, piano, gym, school...........and I guess men might fit in there somewhere...haha!mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="all" height="320" width="426" data="http://lads.myspace.c
That's a tough one...There are several people from all walks of life that I would love to meet within my life time. I would like to meet anyone that will have a positive influence on the person that I am as well as encourage me to try anything as if I knew I could never fail. Being surrounded by positive and encouraging people is key in living a joyful and successful life..........and maybe Mario Lopez too!!!!!!!
I love dance hall, reggaeton, hip hop, and some top 40.
Drama, suspense, and comedies. I have to say one of the best movies yet is Man on Fire.
Not much time for it but I try not to miss Deal or No Deal, Desperate Housewives, and re-runs of Fresh prince of Bel-Air.
Anything by Mitch Albom
My family