INtresTED In muSIc...searchin SOMethiNG NEW...collectinG BRANDED things...the importanT IS "DAYANG NURFAIZAH"....I'M ONE OF HER DIE HARD FANS...
a SIngle PERSON thaT CAN EXCEPT well....same hobbies...anyone...hopefully the persOn that CAN treAT ME weLL...IN WhatEVER RELAtioNSHIP
ANYTHIng..i'm universel...
CHarmed,one tree hill,growin up gotti,malaysian idol,inxs,CSI,national geographic,desperate housewives,oprah winfrey shows..bla..bla..bla..
enid blayton,ahadiat akashah books
kevin costner,josh hartnett,brad pitt,orlando bloom..