a sacred state of mind when all things are in balance and the spiritual dimensions of life seem to predominate consciousness, which results in magic and beauty everywhere
A true kinship with nature exists
When people and nature are in perfect harmony, then magic and beauty are everywhere
Skalalitude means that when you are in proper harmonic relationship with the place where you live, the special places of power that are magnetic to you, and the many creatures of nature, then magic and beauty are everywhere. In a skalalitude state of mind, nature is a force for teaching and healing
~Together We Fly in MU~
Skalalitude arises through multiple contact with different sacred sites, each of which has a special purpose associated with its unique powers
~Care for the ocean and the ocean will care for you~
~Francene Hart's Visionary Art~
~The Blossoms are Opening~
Flower and Plant AURA's by Robert Buelteman
taking the rainbow shawl
sacred hoop of present moments
~Awakening to the nature of our true selves~
~to the magic in the heart~