anything that is intense, stimulating, and engaging.
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maynard james keenan. rock stars, artists, degenerates, and freaks. like minded people. hippies, nature lovers, creative types, and intellectuals. the howard roarks of the world. those that do their own thing and pave their own roads. those i have no interest in meeting: closed minded people, sheep, and picket fencers. and for the record, rock stars means people, not bands.
like many things about me, my taste in music is multi faceted and incredibly varied. ive learned over the years that good music transcends any genre. although i mostly listen to prog rock, metal, punk, reggae, or classic rock i also interject my musical leanings with a little hip hop, jazz, and country sometimes. although it is cliche to say, i really do listen to a little bit of everything. whatever i feel like at the time. my recent leanins have been toward stuff from the wave, hair metal and some 80s pop height="350" width="425" data="" ..
Thirsty Monkey
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i dont own a tv. its the truth. ask anyone who has seen my place. i think television is an evil thing that is subconsciously enslaving us. occasionally their will be intersting shows on like discover channel, history channel or stations like that.
burning all illusions, the fountainhead, anything by chompsky, howard zinn, ayn rand. books about the metaphysical or books that make you question and think differently about the world in which you live in.
anyone who has the courage to question themself and challenge their preconceived notions about the world around them. people who are always looking for something bigger, something more. revolutionaries, inventors, philosphers, and activists. those that think for themselves and pave their own roads.