Like to eat,reading novel book,chatting,surf internet,watching television,collectting top up card,Listening music,sms.That's all for now..
siti nurhaliza..dan sesape yg rase dirinya yg poyo,yg brutal,yg giler,yg baik,yg separuh giler,yg sewel,yang waras.Semuala ku kawan!sile-silekan.. MyGen Profile Generator
RnB,Hip Hop,tradisional and all type of music
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The Lord of the ring,Harry potter,X-Files,I Still Know what you did last summer..ext
CSI,X Files,Friends,Cartoon.Anything that interested me.I don't care.Ape yg best ku tengok,yg tak best memang tak tengok ler.Simple kan!Tu je.huhuhu....
A Little Princess,Novel Alaf 21,Tiga Novela,The Man In The Iron Mask,Mr Midnight ext..
Well,I dont has a hero.My hero just a simple person.Wanna to know..?Of course my father.huhuhu.Ok,ok David Beckham, Ronaldo,Leonardo.huhuhu.What ever..I'm just a poyo person!Don't judge a book by it's cover pg