People looking to love themselves and life in all its varying shades of expression; on a journey of self-awareness - open; creative; accepting; exploring; True to themselves and a little bit silly... and are willing to explore the shadows to see what lies beyond.Having said that, there are some people in particular in the public eye that I'd like to spend time with - enough for more than mere social pleasantries - to share a cup of tea (or the ilk) and a chat that has both depth and laughter. Here be the list, not in any particular order:Caroline Myss; Eckhart Tolle; Christine Northrup, MD; Linda Kohanov; Rick Jarow; Tenzin Gyatso; Dame Judi Dench; Bruce Lipton; Linda Tellington-Jones; Sandi Toksvig; Minnie Driver; Rupert Everett; Arjuna Ardagh; Bill Bailey; Fred MacAuley; Gale Harold; Mike Scott; Viggo Mortensen; Chris Irwin; Mark Rashid; Cate Blanchett; Kate Winslett; Stephen Fry – that’s about all I can bring to mind at the moment. I would have liked to meet Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Jack Schwarz, George Eliot and Charlotte Coleman among many others…