Swimming, reading novels, mallin' and shoppin', internet surfing (computer addict), dancing, bowling, gimmicks and nyt outs, network gaming, salon addict (foot spa, hot oil, hair spa, body scrub..heheheheheh), derma addict, eatin' a lot of food
My colleagues and friends that can't get in touch wid...People of no pretensions...Person with sense of humor and brainy one...Future and career-oriented people...those who are not contented with their present life situation...
R&B, love songs, jazz, new wave, rakista songs, love CUESHE, SHAMROCK, ORANGE AND LEMONS' music so much....but during higschool days (I love INTROVOYS and AFTER IMAGE)...heheheheeh
A Walk to Remember, Lord of the Rings, Matrix (1-3), Transporter
Oprah, Fear Factor, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Big Brother
Paradise, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Divine Comedy of Dante, Escape from the Underground, Sweet Valley (High and University), Three Weddings and a Kiss and of course Computer Bookzzz