Material Girl profile picture

Material Girl

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Darling your looking at the original Queen of Snuff ! I touch myself to ZZ top and eat aborted babies for breakfast.!
Im bigger than Hitler and better than Christ, because of this i rarely leave the house due to being addicted to masturbating over my own reflection.
I think the holocaust was totally cool, homeless people are totally hilarious and have been worshiping Satan since 89!
My soulmate is a Guy called Ciara McCullough, I can honestly say id be nothing without him. If yer ever in need of a home abortion, he's the MAN to call <3
We are fabulous!
Im sadly still living the dream that one day Wham will reform and play a final tour which i will attend and therefore die a happy person! Ahhhhh!
If i were you, id fucking hate me too!
Sorry God but I dislike a number of things aswell such as:
Belfast punks
Most Jews
Belfast rappers, yer shite
Scene queens
Pink, i honestly dont see the big thing about her, sorry
Spots and acne!
Polish people
People who accuse me of doing something i havent done!
The stains red wine leaves on my lips and mouth
Scuffin my boots
People who pee on toilet seats
Getting jizz or red wine on my clothes
Filling out application forms
Buck teeth
When people delete my Jerry springers and cheaters that i have bothered to record
Getting bruises
Period sex
WKD or any other sort of sissy drinks and the people who drink them!
People who dress bad and dont take pride in their apparence!
Breaking a nail!
People who self harm and cut themselves i mean wise the fuck up!
Spilling my pint
People who lie to me!
People cracking their knuckles, it turns me!
Girls with mohawks, can you say ugly?
People who butt in when i am trying to speak!
Throwing up!
Not getting what i want
When my roots come back and i have to dye my hair again!
Giving money to charity
When my fake tan goes streaky
Wide-legged trousers
Nice things happening to people i dont like
Hardcore Cultchies
Children and Babies
People who think they are better than me
People who sell the big issue, Wankers!
Couples, Grrrrr getta room!
People with greasy hair, i mean eewwww!
People who are too serious and have no sense of humour!
Having to walk somewhere, im too lazy!
Having chipped nailpolish!
Health Freaks
People with no manners!
When a bar does not sell stella
Boring people
When the battery dies on my ipod or mobile!
Missing my bus
Not having any money
Small sunglasses
People touching the lens of my sunglasses!
Animal Cruelty
Getting up early
Public toilets
Ramakes of the films i like aka the new Dawn Of The Dead, less said about that one the better!
Covers of classic songs
Fuzzy hair
Bushy/Big eyeborws
Bad teeth
Black lipstick it makes NO-ONE look good!
Black leather trench coats and New Rocks
If i upset you dont stress, never forget, God hasnt finished with me yet!
Well thats all for now darlings my autobiography is due for release soon, feel free to buy!
"Simply put, she was one of the finest leaders this country has ever seen. Difficult problems require difficult decisions and unlike today's "wimps", she could deliver!"
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hitler, Charlie Manson, Noel Feilding and Julian Barratt, Julia Davis, Jerry Springer, Robert DeNiro, Madonna, Morrissey, George Michael, Michael J. Fox, Phil mitchell, Sadists, Tranvestites, The love of my life and other people who reckon they are more fucked up than me!

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My Blog

Amsterdam baaaaby!

Well what can one say? Me and my Leelee jetted off to amsterdam, expectin it to be a nice romantic break for valentines day and i must say romantic wasnt exactly the word! After several life sex shows...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:43:00 GMT

The Camping Trip on The Mournes!

Well the lovely camping trip!Looking forward to it for ages then the day finally arrived!I woke up wild early and Kat was dropped off at mine, waited for Ciara and packed all our wee essentuals and st...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:59:00 GMT

Kremlin, sorta like a class of milk......

Bonjour Mofos! Well im gonna be a tad bit radical and tell yas about ones weekend! Well friday night was pretty gaymo me and the lady Ciara sat in my house and mucked about before walking to sainsbu...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 09:43:00 GMT

How to be Ab Fab!

How to be FABULOUS- Cheree & Ciara Style! 1. Look the part- Blazers, jeans tucked into boots, side shade fringes, stripes & leopard print 2. Pouts- If in doubt pout! It always shows power! 3. ...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:12:00 GMT