I enjoy camping, playing and watching Hockey & Soccer, as well as watching movies.
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Al MacInnis, Bear Grylls, Danielle Fishel, Scarlett Johansson, Jordana Brewster, Russell Means, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Jane,Great Hits, Great goals, it's HOCKEY1
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Johnny Cash, Foo Fighters, Korn, Pink Floyd,
Rambo 1,2,3, Walk the Line, Predator, Commando, Batman Begins, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saving Private Ryan, X-Men 1,2,3, Forest Gump, We Were Soldiers, Black Hawk Down, Office Space, Tommy Boy, Longest yard, Super Troopers, Romeo & Juliet, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Sin City, Die Hard 1,2,&3, American Pie 1&2, American Wedding, Spider Man 1&2, Heat, Fantastic 4, The Last of the Mohicans, Dances with Wolves, Walking Tall, Snatch, Phone Booth, The Punisher, Terminator 1,2, &3, Pearl Harbor, Gangs of New York, Gladiator, Behind Enemy Lines, Jurassic Park 1&3, Final Destination 1,2,&3, Fast and the Furious, Euro Trip, Ice Age 1&2, Braveheart, Desperado, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, Last Samurai, Panic Room, The Island, Just Friends, Jarhead, Dawn of the Dead, Italian Job, 40 Year Old Virgin, Tears of the Sun, Saw 1,2, & 3, Lion King, Cobra, Superman, Assault on Precinct 13, House of Wax, Dorm Daze 1&2, Gamebox 1.0, Cabin Fever, The Departed,
Boy Meets World, Simpsons,A-Team, MacGyver, Man vs Wild, Sopranos
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