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The Emperor

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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Finally, the film where I truly begin to shine!
Palpatine served his homeworld of Naboo, as well as thirty-six other inhabited planets, as a Senator in the Old Republic, and was instrumental in the rise to power of the Trade Federation. He was first elected to represent the human population of Naboo some 52 years before the Battle of Yavin. Also a student of the Dark Side of the Force who trained on Korriban, Palpatine used his political savvy to develop alliances with other power-hungry individuals to begin his own bid for power. He used the Trade Federation - with its cowardly Neimoidian leaders - to force the Old Republic to see its stagnant ways. After manipulating his Queen, Amidala, to call for a vote of no-confidence in Supreme Chanceller Valorum, Palpatine put himself at the forefront of the coming elections. In a vote which was based on sympathy for Naboo and the many alliances Palpatine had forged, he was voted to replace Valorum at the age of fifty. While remaining unobtrusive and often helpful, Palpatine manipulated the Old Republic until it began to crumble from within, remaining in his position as Chancellor well beyond the normal term length, after he was granted extensions to deal with various crises. The most crucial situation he faced was the threat of the Separatists, led by Count Dooku. Palpatine called for the creation of an Army of the Republic to combat the Separatists, forcing the Military Creation Act into law and taking command of the clone armies created by the Kaminoans for Sifo-Dyas. He later assumed complete control of the galaxy and himself Emperor. As Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Empire. A student in the ways of the Dark Side of The Force. He was a xenophobe, though he used aliens when it suited him. Through his use of the Dark Side, he gained a large body of knowledge on the use of clones to become virtually immortal. The fresh supply of new bodies ensured that the destructive power of the Dark Side never killed him. Early in his tenure as Emperor, Palpatine recognized the strength of Anakin Skywalker, and twisted the young Jedi to the Dark Side of the Force. The Emperor used Sith magics to recover Anakin's body, following a duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and revive it. The new spirit discarded its old name and became Darth Vader. Palpatine taught Vader in the ways of the Dark Side, but was always wary of the possibility that Vader might have had children. Palpatine ruled the galaxy as Emperor for nearly 25 years, until he was killed by Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star, over the Forest Moon of Endor. It was believed that Palpatine had been using his connection to the Force to control the minds and will of the Imperial Fleet at Endor, and that his death caused the surviving Imperial ships to lose their coordination, allowing the Alliance forces to win the Battle of Endor. Although Palpatine's body was consumed by the fierce power generators in the battle station, his spirit survived, albeit injured and without a strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force. It took the disembodied Palpatine so long to reach the planet Byss that he was nearly drained of any power in the Dark Side. Once on Byss, though, he was able to contact Sate Pestage, who readied a new cloned body for the Emperor. Palpatine spent years recovering his powers in the Dark Side, all the while watching the Empire crumble under the sheer luck of the New Republic. He had hopes for Grand Admiral Thrawn, but the alien's death only helped Palpatine gain more power. When he emerged from hiding on Byss, he sought to retake the galaxy using World Devastators. He was also trying to turn Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side, which he nearly succeeded in doing. However, the presence of Luke's sister, Leia Organa, and her unborn child pulled Luke back to the Light Side. Together, they turned the Emperor's rage back on himself, and destroyed yet another incarnation on the evil Emperor. Since this last body was killed on Byss, Palpatine had an easier time placing his spirit into a new clone. However, Luke managed to destroy all of the remaining clones Palpatine had ready for use, and so when his body began to deteriorate, he started searching for Anakin Solo again. He quickly began launching new attacks against the New Republic, this time with a weapon known as the Galaxy Gun. Skywalker enlisted the aid of the Ysanna - a race of Force-sensitives descended from ancient Jedi stock - as well as the assistance of Empatajayos Brand, to confront the Emperor on Onderon. There, Palpatine's dying body tried desperately to reach Anakin Solo. Brand intervened, though, and consumed the Emperor's spirit within his own. Both Brand and Palaptine died on Onderon. Later, during the rise of Second Imperium, a group of former Imperial Royal Guards began using their experience with Palpatine to actually pretend to be the Emperor reborn. Using carefully spliced holovid segments, they were able to project a perfect image of the Emperor, and were also able to synthesize speech from recordings. Whenever they traveled, they used droids to carry a large isolation chamber which ostensibly housed the reborn Palpatine. Their ruse fooled Brakiss and the leaders of the Shadow Academy, until they were discovered in the aftermath of the battle over Yavin 4. Clive Revill supplied Palpatine's voice in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, while Ian McDiarmid portrayed the Emperor himself in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. Palpatine was also portrayed by Paul Hecht for the The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama on National Public Radio.
taken from The

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Upcoming 'Rolling Stone' Interview Pt. I

At first, I was a little apprehensive about interviewing one of the most powerful men in the universe, but I was not going to miss a chance to meet Emperor Palpatine aboard one of his star ships. It w...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Apr 2005 11:22:00 GMT

My Upcoming Interview in 'Entertainment Weekly' Part I

EW: So Emperor, how are you? Emperor: Quite fine, thank you. EW: I just have a few questions for you, as your new film 'Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith' is about to hit theatres May 1...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:46:00 GMT