cyklonchild profile picture


About Me

If You want insult me becouse my english is poor just read that: "Pierdol sie jebany skurwielu" and then go and learn POLISH!

My Interests

Main society goals is to becoming perfect. Ruled by specialist in simply society based on social darvinism and nature law (human nature, worse ruled by better) merged with law, tradition and simbolism. This causes that individuals in this society wants to become better human in one or more categories going higher in being hierarchy and geting more responsibility for this society. All this must grow in one ideology.

Maximal progres, productivity and efficiency in public life and fanatism, zero tolerance against destructive factor, selfimproving and living with respect to social laws in private life. Freedom is empty world causing destruction of society. Individual have that much rights as much he gives to this society but all individuals have possibility to becoming better unit.


Symphonic and classical music gives you felling of greatnes of ciwilization, tradition and property of mankind.

Ideological music as NS, Black Metal, RAC gives you material to think about society model.

Industrial, Military and Ambient music gives you power to create and destroy.

Harsh electro and Hard EBM music gives you chaos, moment of destruction and aggresion.


Only if gives wisdom or satisfaction.


Only if gives wisdom or satisfaction.


Only if gives wisdom or satisfaction.


are those who are better than you.