Cecilie Noehr:What is your music like -people ask me, but I dont really know what to say. My music is my heart -thats the best answer I can give.
I dont sing and write, just one kind of songs.. they all have their own sound...
Offcause they all lay to a speciel genre, but they they dont sound like each other.. And most important, they are all written from my heart. Happy, sad, strong, its all a part off who i am, feel, or want to be.
My name is Cecilie Noehr and my life has belonged to music, since I was 10 years old.
I wrote my first song at age 13, and after that, I was sold to the singer song-writer genre. now Im older, but still in love with writing and singing!
I started performing in little shows, were people didnt really listen, but (hopefully) people listen, when I´m performing now!
First time my song was played, was on a little nearradio, close to Copenhagen. I`d never been happier.
If everything goes rigth, im going to move to New York, in year 2008. Maybe someone discovers me there?? -I dont know, but hopefully you will much more of me in the furture.
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