Aftercare profile picture


About Me

Aftercare is the result of hours of audio-palliative care for those traumatised by thenormal rigours of everyday sound. A typical symptom is usually a vast CD collection and insevere cases sufferers have been known to hide vinyl records under their beds, or even togaffer tape themselves to keyboards. The Binary Trout secure unit in the Audio-Care wing ofthe Simian Memorial Hospital has for the past fifteen years been developing a curativeprocess for those in need of treatment. By allowing selected long-term inmates access tonoise generation equipment, and by implanting selected neural pathways with thePersinger/Lilly interface, it became possible for these individuals to express themselveswith acoustic rather than physical violence.

The first use of music in a digestible form was also pioneered as part of this project, anda typical inmate might have a daily regime of 400mg of Reverb with a tri-weekly dose of2000mg of Chorus. In more serious cases, saline drips have been replaced with high doses ofCompression [250mg] combined with a brief stay in the padded tube-amp room.

Latterly some of their recordings have been made available to the general public via . Some have been cured, and released into the care of the community, butothers are still in need of long-term Aftercare, and there can be no better prescriptionthan these intricate, painstaking recordings of those patients who are no-longer considereda danger to themselves or others.

The current Long-Term Patients creating Aftercare music:

Patient: Conrad
Symptoms: Snoring, counting light bulbs & obsessive re-mixing
Treatment: 13 hours a day in a darkened room with his thumbs tied together

Patient: Andy C
Symptoms: Spontaneous Meissner field generation
Treatment: Introduction of rogue prions to aid devolution to protoplasmic consciousness

Patient: Rich
Symptoms: Battered guitar and recurring 'gothness'
Treatment: Finger-painting

If you think you may be suffering from audio trauma, then regular doses of Aftercare couldhelp.

Watch the skies, and stay in your trousers!

Latest News:-

Corinthian Squid

is now on sale at for £5.00 + £1.00 p&p

"Corinthian Squid, the new CD from Aftercare is an astounding piece of work. In a stagnant sea of third rate emo clones and generic so called 'indie' bands. Aftercare are a leviathan of new-age psychedelia that brings a much needed splash of colour to a tired uk music scene."
Jon Wisbey (BCFM Sunday Rockshow)

My Interests


Member Since: 11/7/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: New Page

Aftercare Are:

Conrad : Keyboards/ Sonic Sculpture/ Mixing

Andy: Keyboards/ Sounds

Rich: Guitars


The voices in our heads

Sounds Like:

Whatever we feel in the mood for on any particular day

Record Label: Acrobiotic
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Blue hand blues

The title track of our forthcoming 'dream a little bream' EP is now up on our player.The sloshing water noises were produced by Conrad playing his bath. In October last year. Shortly before he got his...
Posted by Aftercare on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST

Dial Nine

Just uploaded the track "Dial Nine", featuring guitar by the incredibly talented Neville Clay & words by the incredibly cantankerous Black Fen ;-)For anyone who’s interested, on this track R...
Posted by Aftercare on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:13:00 PST

Temporary seasonal joy!

Just posted - our crimble single!It was recorded & mixed in 24 hours & will be removed early in the new year.Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed creating it :-)...
Posted by Aftercare on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 01:02:00 PST

Dunx Achieves Escape Velocity

Dunx has disembarked from mothership Aftercare & gone seeking galaxies of his own.Those of you who have been sending him messages on this page can still contact him at, or ...
Posted by Aftercare on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:55:00 PST

Welcome to the Firestick

A new addition to our equipment has recently arrived from the U.S. We can now annoy you further with sounds made by our Electric Firestick. The Firestick has three strings and adds yet another dimensi...
Posted by Aftercare on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 09:21:00 PST