About Me
GET YOUR EAGLE WARRIORS T-SHIRT OR HOODIE @ http://www.beerhoodie.com
free myspace layoutsI would, first, like to open up by giving thanks to Ometeotl (which is the great energy that makes creation possible) , Tonantzin (Mother Earth), Tonatiu (the sun), Meztli (the moon), Tlaloc (the rain) and Nahui Ehecatlme (The Four Winds) because without these precious life givers life on this earth would not exist. There are many more aspects that contribute to the giving of life on this planet yet these aspects that I have mentioned, are the ones more visually recognizable each day you awaken. These aspects along with others are usually ignored without receiving there proper respect. In more simple terms Ometeotl, is the reason why you are able to wake up each morning of your life. Tonantzin, Is our precious Mother Earth that nourishes us when we are sick (by providing all the natural herbs that cures us) and feeds us when we are hungry (by providing food for us, in the form of berries, fruits, nuts, and veggies. Animals also eat these nourishing gifts of life which in turn we eat the animals). Tonatiu, supplies all of us here on mother earth with heat and warmth because without heat or warmth we as human beings or any other life here on earth can not live. Meztli, is the moon that we are able to see in the night skies which sustains the movement of our valuable water. The power the moon possesses over our water allows the natural vitamins and minerals to flow throughout our oceans, rivers, and lakes. Keep in mind that water also allows us to live. Tlaloc, is rain and without rain we wouldn’t have water, the much needed water that helps all living beings to live; human beings, animals, insects, and plant life. Nahui Ehecatlme, is the four winds (North, East, South, and West) that helps carry the seeds, of various plants, over the world which in turn produces food and many plants that are eaten or used to create homes and shelter for our smaller relations. To all these, plus many more, valuable life forces I say tlozohcamati (thank you).Every day these essential forces that create our world and universe are ignored by most individuals because the significance of these forces which create life have been absent amongst the minds of today’s society which leaves these wonderful life sources unappreciated. The connection between human beings and the life givers has either been ignored or forgotten. Intelligently, our people have been conditioned into ignorance. This ignorance is disastrous to our families, our culture, and to our way of life. I encourage you to break free from ignorance and embark on a path of truth. There fore, my brother/sister, you may embrace your destiny as a warrior.I encourage you to recognize the pain of our people, the oppressor of our people and then acknowledge and fully accept your birth right identity as an indigenous warrior. You will discover that our history is a history we can all be proud of because our ancestors were glorious, honorable, and very intelligent people. Upon receiving this knowledge it will be your choice to decide what you will do in assisting with the liberation of our people and our culture….
After becoming aware of the misery in which our people have lived, and continue to live, for so many years you will learn to identify the enemy. An enemy is an opposing force which undermines the progress of another individual, or group of individuals, physically, economically, socially, and intellectually. It is not an accident that you encountered this space. It was meant for you to read each one of these words. That way you may take your proper position amongst your indigenous people. At this time I would like to wholeheartedly welcome you my brother/sister to my humble space and I would also like to applaud you for having the courage to begin on a path of enlightenment. By continuing to read this you are already acknowledging that you, your family, and your ancestors have been terribly wronged. For years you have probably felt confused, lost, empty, segregated, rejected, doubtful, uncertain, fear, guilty, inferior, powerless, threatened, worthless, victimized, and ashamed. The exact emotions the enemy wants you to feel in order to keep you in a state of doubtfulness too afraid to question what you know to be wrong! I would like you to disregard all the brain washed material you have learned since the day you were born and I would like you to open your mind and heart so you may be more susceptible to the knowledge that you are about to encounter while listening to my music in the future once it is posted for all to hear. Perhaps after reading these words and listening to my music you will begin discovering the truth about our history and you will decide to become an Eagle Warrior, a defender, for our people!
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