LucieLucieLucieLucieLucieLucieMy best friend, the one I laugh with, live for, love
At the moment favourites have to be Nick Drake, NeiL YoUng and Cat Stevens =] but also like: Pendulum,The Beatles,Queen,Maroon 5,Kansas,The PoliCe,JunIor SEnIor,Lynyrd Skynyrd,Elvis Presley,Aerosmith,JefF Buckley,CreAm,Jimi Hendrix,Eminem,ElTon John,Leonard Cohen,Fleetwood Mac,Supertramp,Love,James Taylor,Sting,Bee Gees,Led Zeppelin,Al Stewart,Joni Mitchell,The Doors,Pink Floyd,LoU Reed,Don Mclean,Limp BizkeT,Linkin Park,TupaC,DOyle Dykes,Haley Dykes,...dnOt Like new waste indie bands, stick with the classic
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