Long ago, in the ancient city of Papadapadopolpus, it was said that a hero would be born, a hero so pure and great he would make Ghandi look like a child molestor. He would bring forth the power to control the industuries of video gaming and prostitution. Both Satan and God shall try to stop him and both will fail as the battle will be fought out over Guitar Hero and the hero controls video gaming. I am not that hero, sorry.
But I am George The Pwner Of Noobs And Breaker Of Godwin's Law. I "Play" bass and by play I mean "own a". I have a new found hatred for organised religion, but I do believe in a higher being, like Yoda for example. I like buying CDs but I download first so I don't waste money. I liek mudkipz. People misunderstand me. I get bored of places easily. I plan to live in as many places as possible when I'm older and will probably end up abroad.