..MiSsiN iT aLl.. profile picture

..MiSsiN iT aLl..

I am here for Friends

About Me

...AbOuT StEpHiE BiRd...
...IvE ReCeNtLy rEaLiZeD...
...LiFe iS ShoRt...
...FaMiLy iS aLl i HaVe...
...AnD LiVe LiFe WiTh No ReGrEtS...
...My BeSt FrIeNd iS bRaNdi...
...i LoVe To TaLk...
...AnD im KiNdA LoUd...
...iM VeRy LoViNg...
...i GoT a HuGe HeArT...
...i LoVe To HeLp PpL...
...iM a LeAdEr..NoT fOlLoWeR...
...i LoVe To HaVe FuN...
...iM VeRy SeNsItIvE...
...My HeArT iS mAdE oF gLaSs 4 sUm ReAsOn...
...i DnT LiKe PpL tHt FlAkE...
...iLl AlWaYs Be ThErE wHeN u NeEd Me...
...iF u DnT LiKe Me. ThTs Ur PrObLeM...
...i AbSoLuTeLy LoVe My FaMiLy...
...Im ReAlLy NiCe, UnTiL uR mEaN 2 mE...
...i DnT HATE aNy1 At AlL...
...iM VeRy ouTgOiNg...
...AnD VeRy BoSsY...
...i LiKe 2 hAvE mY wAy...
...iM aLsO FaT n PrOuD...


My Interests

My iNtErEsTs ArE SiMpLe... As LoNg As iM LaUgHiNg AnD sMiLiNg... iM hApPy!! Oh Nd i LiKe 2 wRiTe PoEmS...

I'd like to meet:



i LoVe MuSiC! iTs A HuGe PaRt Of My LiFe! i NeEd iT LiKe i NeEd AiR!! i LiKe AnY MuSiC ThAt i CaN dAnCe To Or SiNg. i GrEw Up LiStEniNg 2 CoUnTrY N WhEn i CaMe To S.j. My CuZzIn GoT mE iNtO rAp.. NoW i LoVe AlL mUsIc!!


SiNcE i LiKe To LaUgH.. iT mAkEs SiNcE i LiKe CoMeDy FiLmS!! AnD MoViEs ThAt cAn MaKe Me FeEl ThE eMoTiOn ThE aCtOrS FeEl CuS i LiKe MoViEs LiKe DaT!!


i mAiNLy LiKe LaW aNd OrDeR: SvU... ThAtS mY sHoW.. i DnT wAtCh MuCh Tv ThOuGh!!


i LoVe 2 rEaD.. i ReAd RoMaNcE bOoKs.. ReAl LiFe StOrIeS.. AnD aUtObIoGrApHiES.. SoMeThiNg i CaNt PuT DoWn CuZ iM sO iNtErEsTeD!


My MoM CuS sHe HaS bEeN tHrOuGh So MuCh AnD sTiLl sMiLeS dEsPiTe aLl ThAt...
My TwO BiG bRoThErS cUs ThEy HaD KiDs AnD sTiLL GrAdUaTeD aNd ArE MaKiNg HeLlA mOnEy...
My GrAnDmA cUs ShE iS a VeRy StrOnG iNdEpEnDaNt WoMaN...

My Blog

new poem by bam bam.....read it!!

ImageIf I could be your clothes for a dayI would never lose my colorMeaning you would never throw me awayIf I could be that glassTo have your lips a round my rimKnowing you are tasting my massFilling ...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 03:03:00 PST

NEW!!! 1-3-08... Rainy day!!

-RaInY dAy- WhEn iT LoOks A LiL GrEy OuTsiDe... DoNt Go RuN aNd HiDE! GeT uR bOoTs AnD fOlLoW Me.. We'Ll FiNd PuDdLeS DeEpEr ThAn OuR kNeEs! We CaN RuN jUmP aNd PlAy... We'Ll StAy OuT aLl DaY! AfTeR t...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 03:14:00 PST

memories of me and you!!

If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, post a memory of me. It can be anything you want good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your blog or bulletin, and see what p...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:06:00 PST

NEW!!!! written on 7-22-07

Riot... The fighting is getting old It's making my heart grow cold I feel like I just want to yell... "Why are you making my stay a living hell!?" I came to get away Now I want to go home, Just gotta...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:56:00 PST

NEW!!!! written on 7-18-07

Home... There really is no plaace like home Over here I'm all alone No one is like me over here I think I need a beer I wanna drown all my sorrows And drink like there's no tomarrow I wanna get so dru...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:47:00 PST

It Hurts Me...

It Hurts Me...  written on 4-8-07 It kills me when you call me a whore I don't think I can take it anymore And I really shouldn't have to But that doesn't seem to matter to you Don't you see it ...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:39:00 PST

Goodbye Baby....

Goodbye Baby... Written on 4-8-07 Even though I love you so I really must let you go Too many people don't like it I think they have come to despise it Normally I wouldn't care what people say But I...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:31:00 PST

Double Take...

Please Forgive Me...   written on 4-5-07 Looking at you I can see That you already hate me It's not my fault I didn't mean to make your life come to a hault I know I broke your heart But I h...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:23:00 PST

Keepin It Real...

Keepin It Real...     Written 4-2-07 If You want me to tell you how I feel Get ready cus Ima keep it real Sometimes I get real sad Cus your ignoring me so damn bad One day outta t...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 07:52:00 PST


Tradgedy...      Written on 4-2-07 It's a tradgedy to say That once again I gave my heart away I promised I would never let it go But damn this boy let me know That he would l...
Posted by ..MiSsiN iT aLl.. on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 07:29:00 PST