Davyd's Drumming profile picture

Davyd's Drumming

My Interests


Member Since: 07/11/2006
Band Members:
Influences: Derrick Houston(dad)- he was a drummer and he made me and my bros. play but we had to ALWAYS work on things he taught us or something we heard him play.(didn't know it then but he was developing my ears)... "as you know kids like to go get on the drums after church" I was over there playing as a kid but you probably didn't know because I was playing rimshot/sidestick! LOLDwight Houston(uncle)(woodwind virtuoso')- When he came off the road(fulltime) in the 90's he came to dad's church and became MD... my bro was playing drums but, not long after I became the main drummer(as the younger bro. I had to show my skills)... UncleD was starting a group and he let me play(BOY WAS I HAPPY)... Over the next 10-12yrs I was able grasp a MUSICIAN concept and not a "I play drums" mind... My ears got bigger under the wings of UncleD... I got to hear for the first PFUNK, JACO, BOOTSIE COLLINS, WAR, etc... As I have grown and continue to perfect my gift, UncleD is mainly responsible for making ya boy able to understand what I was doing.My bros. Diaz & Derrick Jr.- because they were older and everything they did, I had to out do it or atleast try! LOLMarvin McQuitty- When I got Fred Hammond's pages of life double album, I fell in love with this dude. Soon after I got the VCR tape and he blew my mind of how rhythmic he made those drums sound over the grooves.(I was able to see it!) I use to play along with the live version of the whole album from "Let the Praise Begin" to the dynamic ending of "Blessed". Marvin you are my ALL TIME FAVORITE(somebody let the dude know 4me)... I did get a chance to meet my boy MM on 2 occasions.Very Influentual in my playing- Dennis Chambers, Billy Cobham, Steve Gadd, Virgil, Jack DeJanette, Gerald Heyward, Aaron Spears, Lil John Roberts, Calvin Rogers...and alot more!Some very special drummers from my hood- David Smith, Ed Grey, Anthony McNeil, Donte', Al, Philip Giles, Jamil, Tim, David Johnson, Ant Carter, Stephon, FeFe, Mike J, PJ Spraggins, Jeff Perry, Cuzin PeteyPete, Aaron, Brian, Chris Seltzer, CiCi, Darryl, David Crenshaw, Donnell, Horace, Nick, Quay, Tim Bowie, William... and some more!
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

My Birthday THOUGHT!(what/whom is your CATALYST?)

..> Just reflecting over my life(25yrs.) and how some things in life I wasn't exposed to or had to deal with because of the way I grew up, I'm THANKFUL! I don't have the hardship life, poor, disp...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 07:41:00 GMT