If you shop through igive.com with the link provided above, we get donations at no extra cost to you! Some stores that are included are TARGET, BARNES AND NOBLE, BLOOMINGDALE'S, AND TOYS R US..just to name a few! There are hundreds of stores that belong to this site that you probably already shop at...but if you shop from them using the link above...we get donations for our rescue! You don't pay anything to us....the sponsors make the donations to us. PLEASE check it out....every little donation that we receive is needed and greatly appreciated!
If you want to SURRENDER a bulldog, you give up all of your rights to your dog. You can be given periodic updates as to how your bullie is doing, but you will not get any information as to where your bullie is or who has adopted it. This is to protect the new owner. You will have to sign an owner release form saying that you understand these terms.
Go visit bulldog domain to read about bulldog health, share bulldog stories and post photos, and ask any questions that you may have about bulldogs.