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pretty fly brown guy™

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About Me

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I used to be cool. Then I learned that being cool isn't all that its cracked up to be, or perhaps I am just saying that because I never really was cool after all.
I have lived in the ATL ever since I was 3 years old. When people ask me where I am from I tell then Nashville TN (which is where I was born). I get some pretty odd reactions.
My mom is mexican and my dad is Arab. Contrary to popular belief my last name is not Patel and I don't own a Dairy Queen, but I think a Chik-Fil-a franchise would be quite profitable.
I think I have been in love, but then again the more that time passes I realize that I never really was. Love is a fickle subject and can sometimes be considered a fad just like those awesome green parachute pants I had in 3rd grade, mc hammertime, wacky wallwackers, debbie gibson, ALF, Punky Brewster, and other such laughable yet notable events in history.
For college I went to UGA and then worked for Macys Corporate as a programmer from 2001 to 2006. I quit my job in 2006 to persue bigger and better things, which is just as well because they are shutting down shop April 30th. R.I.P. Macys Central.
I bartended for 3 years at BRIO and worked for Vision Nightclub when it first opened back in 2003. It was great fun and good money, but alas I had to get out of that scene and into something with less alcohol involved.. I may return who knows.. probably not.
I opened my own online business in December of 2005, you can see it at So far so good. I sold a few Nintendo Wii's when they were hot and I just learned that I'm now one of the top 10,000 sellers all time on ebay. Not too shabby for the brown guy. :)
I thought I was a relatively smart guy until I went to law school, of which I have recently graduated. I scraped by the first year, it was surreal fun, but hey I made it. Second year was just as much of a struggle. No one is lying when they say think twice about going to law school.
Most of my good friends have gotten married or moved away.. I know am a proud 30 something.. but 30 is the new 20.. so the best is yet to come..
I just am a fun loving kid who loves to laugh and have a good time.. I love my close friends, my family, and I always try to be a good friend as well. I'm not always perfect but thats what makes us unique.
One last note...
Life is very short. Take some time to think about how you treat people, try to live by the golden rule. I believe in Karma and I try to not treat others in a way that I wouldn't like to be treated. Easy to say but hard to practice.
I believe that the majority of success manifests itself in your mind first and then in the reality later. The mind is a powerful thing. Take the time to live your life with happiness and abundance and bliss will soon follow.
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Law School Countdown
Law School Countdown

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

No one in particular... Ok I lied... the guy who gives these out!!

No seriously...just easy going folks who are motivated in their life to do good and help others..I believe in Karma.. do good get good.. I try to live by that rule, but you know sometimes its tough!I guess who I'd like to meet, not really sure.. I guess I will know when I meet her...Celebrity run in - when I was working at vision in the VIP, P-Diddy stepped on my foot... since then I have been going by T-Diddy...
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My Blog

what goes around.

i think this is my new favorite song...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:51:00 GMT

Back to school

So friday was the first day at Law school for me.  What a change from the 9 to 5 job that I have grown so accustomed to going to. Went to pick up my books, $925... cha ching. I see why lawyers ch...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 09:09:00 GMT