John profile picture


John looks like a Rumanian refugee!

About Me

I'm writing this only because chaz told me to write sumthing but I don't know what to write so i'm just typing away like a random person and I will see what happens to appear on my profile.Oh, while I'm here I could talk to you all about the great job I have and all the new friends I've mad and the fantastic nights out I have witnessed...but i think for the most part i'd be lying to you, although don't get me mates are great it's just the whole i'm a bad doley thing going on in my life at the moment... i did make a new friend though this weekend in the golden palace of dreams that is the one and only ...CASI! Wooot!When I ope this bit of writing has kept you entertained chaz :p I may even do this profile update a bit more often as it is quite painless, apaprt from the pain throbbing fom my backside right now! lol i'll go for a walk in a bit, it'll be reet! MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

LAGER PRAYEROur lager,Which art in barrels,Hallowed be thy drink.Thy will be drunk,I will be drunk,At home as it is in the tavern.Give us this day our foamy head,And forgive us our spillages,As we forgive those who spill against us.And lead us not to incarceration,But deliver us from hangovers.For thine is the beer, The bitter, The lager.