*~*Taylor~*~* profile picture


About Me

My NaMeS tAyLoR ThE rAt

I'm 15 YeArS oLd

MoSt PeOpLe CaLL mE gAy!!

My BeSt FrIeNd Is KyLeA, BrE, aNd FrAn...

My AiM s/n Is tatortot815

I LiKe LiEiNg To My FrIeNdS

I'm A fReShMeN aT StAhL!

I LoVe aLL kInD's Of WhOrEs

I LiKe SoCcEr

*I LiKe tO pLaY tEnNiS!!

I HaVe dIrTy BlOnDe HaIr

My FaVoRiTe CoLoR iS PiNk aNd BlUe

I LoVe SnOwBoArDiNg, aNd SnOwMoBiLiNg

If YoU cALL mE a sLuT, ExPeCt Me To AgReE

I LoVe BeInG a BiTcH...

I LoVe ShOpPiNg!!!!

My FaVoRiTe StOrEs ArE vAlUe ViLlAgE && tHe GoOdWiLl

I LoVe LiStEnInG tO mUsIc

PeOpLE HAte ME BeAuSe ThEy CAnT tRuSt Me

YoU WoNt LikE mE

I'm OnLy A bItCh EvErYdAy

I LoVe To Go OuT oN tHe BoAt WiTh My FrIeNdS!

I LoVe to SuCkCoCkS =)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Contact Tables

My Blog


Okay.. I am so sick of people talking shit about me all the time.. People say I am stuck up, conceeded, and bitchy.. Hmmm okay then you really need to GET TO KNOW ME.. I am the complete opposite....
Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 19:41:00 GMT