commentrations.comIm a reAL bItCH....SIKE, Im ArEAl swEET PErson. i KNOW i'M DOING SOMETHING RIGHT CUZ YOU STILL HATING ON ME. i LuV To HANG ouT AnD bE wITH MY bOo. i stAY TO my SELF aNd dON't geT IN 2 anY meSS. i AM sO blEsS, i'M aLIvE And IN scHOOL, havE a woNDERFUL fAM, SuPpORTIVE bEAUTIFUL friENDS, aND a loVING bOYFRIEND. tHE oNLY oNE tO thANKS fOR tHESE BlESSINGS iS THE aLMIGHTY GOD.A FEW WORDS FROM THE QUEEN!!!!! I know I got my SHIT together. Alot of FEMALES, BITCHES,TRICKS,and HOES, love to say I love to shop, Im ballin, I glamorous. BITCHES PLEASE......YA'LL HOES Don't have a pot to piss in. NO CAR, NO Place to stay, and when ya'll go shopping ya'll go to 9.99 stores. Get on my level.. How you get yo doe is yo business, but ya'll BITCHES don't got no money, you living paycheck to paycheck, sorry ass nigga to the next sorry ass, momma to daddy. I'm a classy get my money and yo nigga money type FEMALE. Ya'll gone to have to do betta ya'll think ya'll cute, but you broke at the same time thats not a Glamorous, Party like a RockStar lifestyle. A Glamorous, Party like A RockSTar BIACH like me, MONEY is neva a subject. SO YOU NEED TO GET ON YA JOB, BECAUSE YOU CAN NEVA COMPETE WITH ME....SMOOCHESSS♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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