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Minna Iru Kai... Hoshi wo Mezashite!

About Me

A friend once said that I was like a Picasso, I was a jumble of Ideas and emotions that does not seem to make sense at first, but if you look at it as a whole, it all comes together and it makes perfect sense. I guess, I agree with him. I am a little bit of everything rolled into one. I am a woman, a friend, a sister, a teacher, a thespian, an artist, a coach, a daughter, and Maria all into one. ( Believe me, the hardest one is being Maria). I am complicated- many people say, smart, I would like to believe that I have a good head on my shoulders. I am vain - ( oh my favorite sin) I am a hopeless romantic. I am a student of Japanese Culture and Language as well as Arts. I adore tea and . I like quiet times, and good conversations. I also I am, well... a simply complicated me.
I am a spazzy,talkative,chocoholic who loves friends, intellectual and creative stimulation, good debates, feeding my muses, and daydreaming.
I am very opinionated, fashion forward, and blunt to the point where sometimes people think I am a bitch but I am far from it. I care a lot about people and I love people! A LOT! My problem always has been the inability to say NO.
I am a evil to people I hate, I am a sweetheart to those who want me to be. I am who you want to be. I am half an angel. I am truly a master of one thing - being myself and there is nothing else in the world who I would rather be.
Half the world looks at me with Envy-- the other half? WHO CARES?!
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My Interests

Japanese Language and Culture, Books, Thai language and Culture, Japanese Drama, Anime, Manga, Video Games, Cooking, Rachel Ray, Baking, Good Food, Restaurants, Fashion, Drawing, Art, Writing, Pen Friends, E-mail, Blogging, Dogs, Hamsters, International Cultures and Histories, East Asian Studies, Marketing, Advertising, Friends, Picnics, Long Walks, Good Conversations, Good friends, Ferrets, Good times, Bartending This is my ART.
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I'd like to meet:

Get together with old friends and find new ones. Maybe find the lost ones or the never was -- make acquaintances closer and build friendships or rebuild them.I would like to meet friends for a lifetime. People who appreciate and love Japanese and Thai Culture and Language. I would also love to meet Kamenashi Kazuya, Kiokei Teppei,Yamashita Tomohisa, Kimura Takuya, Kamakari Kenta, Pichaya Nitipaisalkul and his brother Pirath, Date Kouji, KAT-TUN... oh and the list goes on! Layout made by waterbaby79


Calming Oriental Music, Jazz, Japanese Pop Music and OST, Broadway, Soft Rock, Celtic/Irish Music, Some Rock ( Linkin Park), OPM -- the Old stuff like Side A, Joey Albert and stuff. I am a sucker for a good orchestra, acoustic guitar or piano music.
My new song:
lyrics - way back into love


Memoirs of a Geisha, Gone with the Wind, Lovely Complex, Rogers and Hammerstein Collection, Crying out Love in the Center of the World, Joy Luck Club, Hero, Old Chinese Movies, Romance, Period MOvies, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Super Hero Flicks, Chick Flicks and others


Japanese Dramas: IRYU Team Medical Dragon,Dragon Zakura, Nobuta wo Produce Ichi Ritorru no Namida, Byakkotai, Good Luck!, PRIDE, Kurosagi, Hana Yori Dango 1 and 2, Orange Days, Summer Snow. I like Cooking shows especially RACHEL RAY! Food Network rocks. Good interesting documentaries, Fashion/makeover shows, Animal Planet... other than that, I do not watch much TV


Memoirs of a Geisha, Geisha: A Life, Shopaholic Series, Little Women Series, ( Louisa May Alcott is great) Chick Lit, Gone with the Wind, Shannara Series, Lord of the Rings and other works of Tolkien, Jane Austen Books, Harry Potter, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, One liter of Tears, Nobuta wo Produce


I could also say that my real hero is Mineko Iwasaki - author of Geisha: a life. My Mom for being so strong and such a wonderful role model as a wife and mom. Nikolo Baua and Jamie Orila for Saving my Sanity. Rachel Ray! My kitchen hero! Strong women, like Tyra Banks, Oprah, etc. Julie Andrews and Audrey Hepburn.

My Blog

JC, I will miss you forever GIRL

Jennifer CarlsonRIP March 11, 2007The news story on Chicago Tribune about JC's death.JC was the sweetest girl among the girls in Stocks & Blondes. Loved her as a friend, and she was the only one w...
Posted by Marikit on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:28:00 PST

When friends say I like you...

Last night, a  good friend of mine told me he liked me. It was pretty obvious I guess, but I didn't want to believe him at first until he actually said it out loud. Why? I think because I value h...
Posted by Marikit on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:10:00 PST

It's not bad to cry

I've been known to cry a lot lately. Perhaps, it's my way of coping with things - or because maybe I am watching a lot of tearjerkers. But, after all these years, I finally let the tears flow.You see,...
Posted by Marikit on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 02:14:00 PST

Way Back into love

I have  had this song stuck in my head for so long.  It's calling me. The lyrics are like my life. I know its corny but its true. I realize I am ready to love again.-------------------------...
Posted by Marikit on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:06:00 PST


Ring... Ring... It's you again. Stop calling me already. You know that I don't like you, you know that your words bear no meaning to me. You know that nothing you ever say will make me love you o...
Posted by Marikit on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 04:57:00 PST

Prince Charming according to a 2 year old Princess

Yesterday, I was playing with my two year old cousin, Bea who was fond of the Disney Princesses. So, naturally, she was Cinderella and I was demoted to just being Gusgus, the fat mouse in the movie....
Posted by Marikit on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:53:00 PST

Valentine Schmalentine

 I have never really experienced a proper Valentine's Day.  I never experienced the thrill of having someone ask you to a proper date, romantic candlelit dinner with flowers and candy and al...
Posted by Marikit on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:33:00 PST

On my Birthday...

The unavoidable came. I turned 27. Today. big. fucking. whoop.I am by far, psyched as much as I can with me being sick. On my birthday, Life gave me the FLU. Thank, really.So, aside from comment whori...
Posted by Marikit on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:44:00 PST

Creative Masochism

I am being tortured right now by muses. Demanding muses that relentlessly torture you with ideas while you lay down to rest. I should really shut them up, but I can't . It gives me most pleasure when ...
Posted by Marikit on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:50:00 PST

Things you think about when you are sick

When you're sick in bed, sometimes all you can do is think. In this blog entry, I will randomly type the first thoughts that I think about as they happen. No matter how random it is, and see how my th...
Posted by Marikit on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:50:00 PST