Mary..... profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long!
Friends and Family Fun-loving and willing to help out, the Libran makes an excellent friend. Even though they can be late and indecisive, once they're on the scene, they're ready to go. This flexible sign loves to spend time with friends and family, and doesn't hesitate to initiate gatherings. Sociable and suave, people are naturally drawn to the Libran. They have a way of creating an aura of harmony around them that's a real draw. When it comes to challenges, this balancing sign can see both perspectives in a disagreement, making them excellent problem-solvers. Companionable, they're apt to keep their friends and family busy.Love and Sex Finding the right partner will be a priority in the Libran's life. For those already in a relationship, maintaining the peace and harmony takes center stage. A Libran alone is a sad thing indeed, not to mention unnatural. They need to connect with others. As lovers they are expressive, creative, and balanced. They love to make their partners feel completely and thoroughly satisfied from conversation to lovemaking. The Libran's charm and dedication to striking the perfect balance with others makes them wonderful partners.The Perfect Gift...BECAUSE MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING!!! The best gifts for a Libran are items that create relaxation or music.Likes Harmony, sharing with others, gentleness, the outdoors.Dislikes Injustice, violence, conformity, and loudmouths.
RiTe NoW @ tHiS mOmEnT...I'm JuSt LiVin'...
TaKiNg iT dAy bY dAy & tRyIn NoT tO mAkE tHe SaMe mIsTaKeS tHAt i HaVe DoNe To AvOId DelAy tO wHeRe i NeEd tO bE....I wAnNa bE loVed LiKe I'vE nEvEr BeEn loVed BefOrE...
I wAnNa fInd mY nEw FoUnD PaTh iN LiFe & bE iN cOmPlEtE NiRvAnAi LiKe tO CrY wHeN tHe TiMe iS jUsT rIgHtI ♥ tO LaUgH & hAvE aMaZiNg cOnvErSaTiOnS...
EvEn @ tImEs If ThEy'Re aBoUt NoThInG...I'vE mAdE mIsTaKeS... i'Ve mAdE acOmpLiShmEnts... i'Ve mAdE nEw FrIeNdS... & lOsT sOmE olD oNeS....CuRrEntLy...SeEkInG mYSeLf...OtHeRs... ♥ mE....OtHeRs mAy Not giVe A daMn... iT hUrTs @ tImEs...
bUt yOu EveNtuAlly...cRy tHe pAin OuT aNd gEt OvEr iT.....i LeArN aBoUt mYseLf mOre & mOre nOw... aNd @ tImeS...aNd hOnEsTly i'M lOvIn eVeRy MoMeNt oF iT... i'M aPpReCiAtIng So MuCh mOrE oF mE aNd aLl oF tHe oThEr wOndErFuL tHInGsBuT eNoUgH oF thAt sErIOuSnEsS... I bAsICaLLy ♥ tO lAuGh aNd hAvE a GrEaT tImE wItH mY fRiEnDs.

My Interests

CoOkInG...lOtS oF iT.... HaViNg A gOoD tImE....LaUgHiNg
pLaYiNg wiTh mY hUlAhOoP....yEs i HaVe a HuLaHoOp tHaT i mAdE
gIViNg mAsSaGeS aNd nO iT doEsN't cOme WitH hApPy EnDinGs
LoTs Of OtHeR tHInGs PeOplE LikE tO dO, MaYbE tHInGs YoU lIke tO dO.......................

I'd like to meet:

MeEt SomE iNtErEsTiNg pEoPle tO hAvE fUn wIth. PeOPle wHo aRe oN mY lEvEl (not in height) bUt sOmeONe wHo hAs tHe sAme SeNse Of hUmOr aS i! sOmEoNe wHo liKes tO hAvE fUN aNd @ tHe SaMe tIme wHo liKes tO jUSt hAnG oUt.


eVeRyThInG.....fRoM eLecTrOnIcA eMo, PoP, rOcK, cLasSicAl, cOuNtrY (sOMeTImeS) HiPhOp, R&b, As I sAiD..... EvErYtHInG


I dOn'T eVeN kNoW wHeRe tO bEgIn.......


HeRoEs.... & mOsT rEaLitY sHowS.... mAn vS wIlD


RiCh DaD pOoR dAd CoNvErSaTiOnS w/ GoD AsTrOlOgy BoOks..... sElF iMpRovEmEnT bOoKs.....

My Blog

yeah so that’s what it was.....

i thought about a few things tonight.its funny how adulthood is now hitting me. i'm going thru this overwhelming feeling of bittersweet waves. i go thru the highs and then hit my lows. thinking about ...
Posted by Mary..... on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 09:32:00 PST


So last night, I came across my box of stuff w/ alot of old memories, including my old journals. I read through a good few thick pages. I laughed, cried, and realized how much I have matured in the pa...
Posted by Mary..... on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:54:00 PST

SoMeThInG i ReAd ToDaY......

Being Twenty-Something... They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and ...
Posted by Mary..... on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:37:00 PST

SoMeThInGs...MoSt ThiNgS

Right now, I am truly grateful for so many things. I am so grateful for my great job and my career that will soon come to fruition. Grateful for the fact that I am almost done w/ class so I can start ...
Posted by Mary..... on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:21:00 PST

Because ......

I'm just so happy right now w/ alot of thing's in my life. Regardless of what others think, because what really matters the most is ME. And for those who can't understand that, don't really need to kn...
Posted by Mary..... on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 05:12:00 PST

All the little things

It's the little thing's in life that matter the most. New beginings A simple smile A certain laugh One certain look Makes it worthwhile.................................    ...
Posted by Mary..... on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 05:23:00 PST


Remember.....That this journey will only make me stronger. Remember.....That the only pain is emotional attachment.No words should impair me from becoming a stronger being!Now is the time to live.Now ...
Posted by Mary..... on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 09:35:00 PST


GOD............... I am so bored w/ LIFE.I seriously feel like I need to go sky diving and get a good eye opener and see what the fuck I'm missing. I know for a fact jumping out a plane might help. ha...
Posted by Mary..... on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 06:00:00 PST

ORSON my good friend Trish and I went to DragonFly last night. AND .................. I basically fell in love w/ this band. So for those who haven't heard of ORSON yet..... I suggest you che...
Posted by Mary..... on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:45:00 PST

Where am I?

do you hear that? It's quite outside but I feel that's there's so much havoc going on in my head. I'm trying to tell myself that I do have the right to feel this way, even under my present condition....
Posted by Mary..... on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 10:11:00 PST