Cinder-ella-ella-ella-eh profile picture


Work me like a 9 to 5

About Me

Hey ya'll!! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Annie. For those of you who DO know me...ok well I'm still Annie. The one and only. I love my life (even when I say I don't). I'm an extremely involved and dedicated person. I've worked hard for everything that I have. I LOOOVE to shop (duh), dance in the rain, swim in the ocean (at night of course :p), travel, stay up late (I'm definitely a night person), talk, sing in the shower...sing in general, dance dance dance, watch movies, act, hang out with my friends, dress up, play volleyball (and just about every other sport. and yes, i WILL kick your ass).
Did I mention that I'm a competitive person? No? Well I am. And I don't give up easily. So bring it (lol). Ya that's right I'm gangsta. (
Basically I just love to have a good time. I am perfectly satisfied with just hangin with the crew or cuddling up to watch a good movie. I would LOVE to learn how to snowboard or play the guitar. I've had many people offer to teach me far nobody's followed through with that. I would love to jump out of an airplane someday. That would be pretty flippin (yes, I said "flippin") sweet. I think cliff-diving would be fun too. I'm willing to try anything once. (Ya...I'm hardcore like that lol) And if I don't like it the first time I'll probably try it again just for kicks.
I'm a pretty easy person to get along with I think. I talk to basically everybody. But if you lie to me, or talk shit about me, or are a fuckin manipulative annoying bitch...screw that you're not worth my time (and I'll make sure you know it).
And on that note..1) YES, I like myself 2) HELL NO! there is nothing wrong with that 3) If you don't like it- don't add me. It's pretty simple.
I love fashion- even if I can't afford shit right now. You'll win me over fastest through the little things (but don't get me wrong, the big things are important too. i like big things. a lot. size does matter (i'm talking about diamonds you pervs lol)).
Well anyway, there's a lot more to me than I've written here. I never know exactly how to sum myself up. So....I don't know. Leave me a comment or send me a message and we'll get our chat on. :D
FAVORITE QUOTE: "Do just once what others say you cannot do, and they will NEVER pay attention to your limitations again."
"No woman wakes up and says to herself....I don't want to be swept off my feet today" -Hitch
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!
Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.
You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.
You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable
Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life
By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.
Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives.
Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours.
No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover.
Your Aura is Green
You're very driven, competitive, and even a bit jealous.
However, you seek out balance in your life - and you usually achieve it!
The purpose of your life: inspiring others to be better
Famous greens include: Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart
Careers for you to try: Guru, CEO, Talk Show Host What Color Is Your Aura?

My Interests

ATTENTION: I will not add you if you don't have a picture. Feel free to try, but it's not gonna happen. (Unless I already know you)

A little bit about me:
I love road trips

When I sing in the car I pretend I'm on American Idol

I'm afraid of spiders

and semi's

It bugs me when people read over my shoulder

I can catch popcorn in my mouth

I can tie cherry stems into knots with my tongue

I doodle when I talk on the phone

My room is painted 5 different colors

I'm hardcore cause I can be

I like riding on planes

I have an obsession with wild berry skittles - especially the green ones

Guys in skirts are fun

I like eating meat

Dancing in your underwear is fun

My bed is amazing

Halloween is the best holiday ever

I love that period of time inbetween summer and fall

I would marry Snoop Dogg

Popcorn is really good with kool-aid

I ran out of places to put my shoes

My name has an A in it

I WILL be famous someday

I take bubble baths

I own over 40 purses

My hands are always cold

I scream on rollercoasters

I'd rather be anywhere but here

I'm a smart blonde

Only my closest friends know my middle name

I have a birthmark on my back in the shape of a heart balloon

I'm a romantic

I'm attracted to shiny things

If I were a cow I'd say "mooo"

Reese's taste really good on Peanut Butter Toast

Mr. Sketch markers smell super-good

I'm always wearing at least 3 different perfumes, lotions, etc.

I always win

Roses and Lilies of the Valley are my favorite

DECA for life

I like ice cream

I laugh. A lot.

I love making people laugh

I'm a photo-aholic

I'm involved in everything

I don't sleep

Me and My Girls Tailgating!!

"baseball....there's something about a bunch of hot guys running around playing with balls and sticks" :D sorry i can't help it..

I'd like to meet:

Someone who can spark my interest (ie. be able to have a conversation) and who can keep it for more than a week.
QUESTION: Why are gay guys ALWAYS so fricken HOT!?

Your Toes Should Be Red
You pretend to be an old fashioned girly girl, but you're secretly a naughty girl deep down.

Your ideal guy: Tall, strong, and handsome - with a devilish twinkle in his eye.

Stay away from: Nice, safe men. They won't really give you what you want!

You May Be a Bit Narcissistic ...

Yeah, you're a bit fixated on yourself.But you're so great, you can't help it!You're a bit obsessed with your own fame and success.And you'll push past anyone who stands in your way.

You Are Rum

You're the life of the party, and a total flirt You are also pretty picky about what you drink Only the finest labels and best mixed cocktails will do Except if you're dieting - then it's Diet Coke and Bacardi all the way.

You Are Coke
A true original and classic, you represent the best of everything you can offer.
Just the right amount of sweet, just the right amount of energy... you're the life of the party.

Your best soda match: Mountain Dew

Stay away from:Dr Pepper What Kind of Soda Are You?

Tinker Bell

~~Pimps and Pimpettes!- leave me some lovin'~~


Anything that has a beat!! Hip-hop, rap, pop (hey, at least i admit it!), punk, rock, oldies, disco, some country...............ya.


AHHhhhhhhhh I am a huge movie person. I own so damn many it's ridiculous!! I liiiike...Dirty Dancing, Hitch (-- every single male should see it), Cold Mountain, The Ring, Forrest Gump, The Butterfly Effect, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ("you're weiiird"), Moulin Rouge, Elizabethtown, The Notebook (of course), Finding Nemo, Black Hawk Down, Top Gun, Napoleon Dynamite, 10 Things I Hate About You, The Lord of the Rings, Hannibal, and some others that I can't think of (or don't want to mention ;) hee hee).
Your Birthdate: June 1
Your birthday suggests that are executive ability and leadership qualities in your makeup.A birthday on day 1 of any month gives a measure of will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach.This 1 energy will either diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush, or enhance it.You may be sensitive, but your feelings stay rather repressed.
Gemini Romantic Profile
Describing the Twins as mercurial is right on the money, since Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury. Moving, restless, seeking, learning -- Gemini is constant motion, a torrent of wind which is in keeping with this sign's element of Air. The Twins are highly intellectual and won't hesitate to play mind games with a lover, mere child's play to them. They are also great communicators, so get ready to hear everything from pithy remarks to impassioned pleas.
Inventive, quick-witted and fun, the Twins will jump around from one lover to the next until they find one who is almost as smart as they are and able to keep up in this high-spirited race. The reward for those who can lasso a Gemini is a free-spirited lover who shines at parties but is also a devil in the bedroom. Many Geminis are also ambidextrous. Ooh.


Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal, ER, Charmed, Alias, Grey's Anatomy, Angel, Rescue Me, Sex and the City, Buffy...etc. (hey, there's nothing to do in the town i live in. literally. could sit in a field (?))


Currently my FAVORITE book is Star by Pamela Anderson
But overall I like......well...i REALLY like romance. And modern fiction. It's all good. Things like Flirting with Danger, Shopaholic, Hush Little Baby, Lovely Bones, etc.
Oh, and the best magazine on the planet EVER?! Cosmo of course

You are fun, erotic, confident, cool, sweet, sexy, and just an overall awesome person!


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Our troops- I have so much respect for them. Yay America.
And then people like Oprah, Donald Trump, etc. And of COURSE... I can't forget my D-Piddy ;) (haha david)

My Blog

A-Dogg and Jdub (aka 2Kool4Skool) in debut single....

Nonsense 2Kool4Skool              I'm your first Your gonna burst Smile Frown Its all over town Too slow ya blow Thats what youre gonna need to k...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 10:46:00 PST

chainmail can SUCK MY ASS.... but its not good enough

first of all, may i point out the complete STUPIDITY of this message?? yes? ok thanks. now to dig a little deeper... WHOEVER ACTUALLY REPLIES TO THIS SHIT IS A FUCKIN RETARD. and the guy who sent thi...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 10:51:00 PST

Male Brain vs Female Brain

Ok. So. Lately I've been consoling many a lost soul.  All of whom have no idea why things went wrong.  Yes, most of them are female.  SO...I thought to myself, how can I explain the dif...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Sat, 20 May 2006 11:27:00 PST

My First "Hate" Mail!! ahhh I love it lol :D

So...real interesting night.  I come home, log on to check my mail, and recieved this LOVELY little message.... BABY GIRL STOP IT I SAY. U LOOK OLD AS HELL. WHO R U TRYIN' TO FOOL WITH THOES LOOK...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 08:05:00 PST


You left me, and I looked everywhere. I just want to know what went wrong! I thought we had it all. We were at that point where we both felt so comfortable with one another, where there was ...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 06:36:00 PST

Tell Me About Yourself

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:AnnieBirthday:June 1st (and now that you know i'm expecting a "Happy Birthday!" at the VERY least lol)Birthplace:WisconsinCurrent Location:WisconsinEye Color:Gr...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 09:24:00 PST

Team 40

So basically I just wanted to give a shout out to my team... Nikole, Hannah, Sasha, Hilary, Nate and Jeff. Pretty much we just kicked ass this past year, and I don't know what I would do without you ...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:08:00 PST

dah dah dah dah dah dah dun...TEQUILA! :D

Anyone want to try this with me? lol (hey...if it works...) Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?If you answered yes to any of ...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 01:26:00 PST

It's called "Marketing"

The buzzword in today's business world is MARKETING; however, people often ask for a simple explanation of "Marketing." Well, here it is:You're a woman and you see a handsome guy at a party. You go up...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 02:11:00 PST

Do It!!!

Ok. So here's what you gotta do.  Leave me a memory (any memory, doesn't matter if you know me a lot, or a little, it can be sad, funny, or really corny and stupid :D), of you and me from 2005.&n...
Posted by Designed To Blow Your Mind on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 09:23:00 PST