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About Me

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My name is Shawn,I'm a semi-pro percussionist who lives in Cleveland,reason I say "semi-pro"isn't that I'm not a real pro,it just means I've seen very little money by doing music,& the way I see it,if you're not touring or getting paid for what you do,you're not a true business-like pro.I'm working on it,It's a tough gig the music world,very competitive,most people give up after their first couple gigs for many reasons.I've done quite a few types of bands in my drumming history,mainly in the heavier register,but there has been notable exceptions.
here's my resume that I have no audio proof of on this siteyet but,that's only because I'm just about to go into the recording process yet again w/my 2 bands,Rusted Out(disclaimer:that's not me on the MS site's music)& Last Dawn(no MS site available yet)& I have to load the myspace music player w/my material,of course.Ok,now then,Starting from 12 years old:Viola section(Harding Middle School Orchestra,7th grade)Snare/bells/Drumset(Harding Jazz band 8th grade)Snare/percussion(Lakewood High school Concert Band,I got denied the trapkit chair in the jazz band,couldn't read the drum charts fast enough,this was in my 9th school year).
which now leads me to my first garage band called Black Thread w/my friend Matt Stack,didn't last too long of course,I was 14 at this time.The 2nd group in my parents garage was called Miscarriage,& then into adult life& friends'basements & rehearsal studios w/ Descend(look them up on google,we did 2 pro demos-self titled/Hate for your blood,& 2 pro cd's-Descend/All That Is Evil split cd & Requiem Of Flame full length,the cd's are still very available,very heavy,original old school Alt/Death/Grind,Black Sabbath meets Death Metal/Grind meets Tool in my opinion)In the 7 yrs I was in Descend,I was doing other bands on the side,different stuff just to get expierience/fun/headaches too.I joined a Rush tribute band called 2112,traveled a couple weeks w/them & found out I wasn't at Neil peart's ability quite yet,got fired,Generic You(Altfolk/Depression Rock,similar to the YeahYeahYeah's,GU2 cd is still, available,just go to google or visit [email protected]).Jimhat(Punk/Funkrock,no material available)Kirkendahl Voyd(Trailer park trash punkclassic rock,The band leader's still active w/it & has cd's,again just go to google)!He's on MS too.Critikill(Electronica,cd's still available!),Metaphysical Zoo(psychedelic spacerock w/pop sensibilities,disbanded but we have music up on MS),Mothra(disbanded but may regroup soon,don't know,Alt-rock/Metal stuff,Dead Man's Curb(disbanded,no material),Glue(Alt-rock covers/originals disbanded but we still have a MS page up w/music that I didn't record w/them),& that's just about it I think.
There are many reasons why most of these groups didn't stay functioning & believe it or not,it wasn't me!A few of these groups went for 2-4 years,but you know shit happens,especially w/writers!main writers clashing over song & riff ideas,members getting too high or drunk to think straight & perform,bitchy girlfriends or a preoccupation w/a girlfriend during rehearsals of all times of course,musicians who had too quit because they were starting a family,or school,or both!Bitchy singers(I know ,I've done the let's do music w/a woman route twice!It sure isn't easy!Lazy singers,lazy guitar players(yes,all guitarists are lazy,admit it!)Wives who decide that their husband isn't going to be playing music again until they say so for them,singers hitting on the guitarist's sister,guitarist's who say that they're going to learn the song or songs for a month straight but never do because they got stoned & forgot,the bassist hates the guitarist,& the list goes on,& well,since I'm still doing this,I'm sure the roller coaster ride's gonna get even more interesting as it goes!Now for some visual presentation from the only 2 groups I've played w/who've got vids I can rip from Youtube:Glue performing "Them Bones"from Alice in Chains & Generic You doing a little drunken(actually very)# called "Paradigm"Enjoy or destroy!

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My Blog


Notice to all drummers:don't be dumb like me & work labor jobs! I have sciatica nerve pinch on my right side & for a few years it didn't bother me that much,a little bit of pain for a couple days here...
Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 18:49:00 GMT

Going into the studio/Upcoming releases

Yes yes yes,Rusted Out is just a month away from making a studio recording,going to be an exciting experience,got a good buddy of mine doing it for us,the 1 & only Tony Void!hopefully have everything ...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 14:44:00 GMT

Gaining just a little momentum

as is shown in my,damn these letters are way to big & no matter what I do they won't go back to normal size!ok,oh well,as is shown in my pic section & on MS I'm in a group called Rusted Out(i'm not th...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 07:12:00 GMT

New Art Section

For some reason I've decided to start a sketch section!Is it art or is it garbage?It's a subjective thing,& I probably won't be extremely prolific w/it but,if u look close enough & put it all together...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Mar 2009 17:01:00 GMT

My ultimate goal in drum gear & other neccessities

Ya know,maybe,just maybe 1 of these days I'll finally be makingenough w/a job that I can find somewhere cool to live,maybe get a huge studio apt.w/all the enemities,be able to have my group rehearsals...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:10:00 GMT

A quote from Simon Phillips(famous drummer/engineer)

"I'm not a writer;I can't turn out anguished songs day after day.But what i can do naturally is work on other people's songs.They can come to me w/just a scrap of a song,& I can usually put it tog...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 16:42:00 GMT