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Digital Dimensions

About Me

Project South is a 21 year-old grassroots organization based in Atlanta that cultivates leaders to confront injustice. By providing dynamic spaces to learn organizing skills, Project South shifts Southern-based organizing from reactive battles to visionary and strategic movement building for racial and economic justice.
In 2007, Project South was the anchor organization for the first United States Social Forum. Over 15,000 people from every state in the US and over 60 countries converged here in Atlanta under the banner: “If another world is possible, another US is necessary.” Young people, indigenous people, communities from the Gulf Coast and the Southwest, organizers, activists, educators, and families came together to build a world free from oppression and exploitation. Project South is proud to have participated in many ways to make the US Social Forum happen.
We use popular education to connect our current efforts to lessons from our rich histories of struggle. We facilitate Organizing Institutes, Leadership Academies, popular education workshops, long-term strategy sessions, and People’s Movement Assemblies. We work with grassroots communities to address systems of violence and economic injustice. We believe young people are essential to strong movement building and we create programs for young people to develop their leadership for action in our communities. Most recently, we launched the Septima Clark Community Power Institute, a month-long leadership development program for Atlanta young people.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People's Movement Assembly

WILL YOU BE APART?Thousands of organizers, educators, activists, mothers, immigrants, students and workers of all races and genders will be gathering at the People's Movement Assembly (PMA). We are coming together from every corner of the United States - united in our belief that a world free of exploitation, oppression and injustice is possible - to share best practices, exchange strategies and develop solutions to problems facing our communities.
Why Come? Make history. Connect to others. Share your story. Heal. Learn leadership skills. Get inspired. Build new strategies. Link up with a global movement that is changing the world. March, sing, speak your truth. Take action with Indigenous peoples that experienced historical policies of genocide and removal from their homelands. Take a stand in honor of the Black Freedom Movement. Intersect our issues and struggles. Advance teh struggle for justice.
What will it be like? Hundreds of workshops. Strategy sessions. Plenaries. Direct Action. Soccer Tournament. Film Festival. Concerts. Exhibitions. Mass Mobilization.
The People's Movement Assembly is our opportunity to put our voices together to say that we demand a change. We want something better - for ourselves, for the planet, and for the people of the world. The People's Movement Assembly is our chance to spark a new movement for economic, racial and gender justice in this country. Let's all get on the road and join the PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT ASSEMBLY today.

Sign up today and receive text updates about PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT ASSEMBLY EVENTS in your area.

My Blog

GROOVEMENT is coming

My first blog, this is new to me. So rather than rant and raze about my own personal ideology. I felt it was time to connect like minds. I've decided to use my blog to showcase organiza...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:23:00 GMT