Musical theatre. Shopping. Reading. Writing. Sleeping. Eating. Dancing. Boys. did I mention eating...Um...studying french. Yah I know that is really dorky but you have to have a hobby, right?
Kathleen Battle, the Smurfs, Cuddley Woodland creatures who have the ability to talk.
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I like pretty much anything but the two styles I LOVE are classical and (gasp) showtunes. Favortie classical composers are mozart, beethoven, bach, and dvorak. And broadway has too many to list. The most amazing singers I know are Maria Callas and Kathleen Battle. I cry when I listen to them.
I love foreign films. Love them. Also comedies are great, and who doesn't appreciate a good movie musical. Unless it happens to be the old version of Music Man. Then I understand if you hate it.
Project Runway. That 70's Show. Gilmore Girls. I don't really watch television cause I don't have a lot of time. hhahaha
Dress Your Family in Courduroy and Denim, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Naked, Boy Meets Boy, Peter, How Homosexuals Saved the World, Running With Scissors, Magical thinking, Dry. David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs are brilliant.
William Finn cause he is a bitchin' composer.