i'd like to meet my former HS buddies from Jeddah....Christian Bautista(10x) and my frend Christian Borlagdan from TDMC... new ppol who are not users (meaning not using other ppol to gain pplrty or some sort) and back stabbers...:::: HERE ARE SOME OF MY FRIEND'S NAMES FROM JEDDAH, K.S.A.::::..[.:baljit& Ikembo.:]*FoReVeR fRiEnDs
[.:Catherine.:]*FoReVeR fRiEnDs*
[.:leah & kathleen:.]*FoReVeR fRiEnDs*
[.:Tonette:.]*FoReVeR fRiEnDs*
[.:bryan & jason:.]*HeY hEy*
[.:Ian & Aric.:]* Cool Dudes
[.:Shane & Daryl.:]* wAZZ uP
[.:omar & alex:.]*SmIlEs*
[.:Demy & Maria:.]*smiles*
[.:Aimee:.]*best friend*