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About Me

Where are Old Headingley up to now, well ......Liverpool ex pro's have been in touch, the game is definetly going ahead, "But who's playing, Sam??" I hear you scream, well let me tell you...John Barnes, Bruce Grobbelaar, Ian Rush, John Aldridge, Gary Gillespie, Phil Neal & Alan Kennedy to name but a few. Hopefully to be held at Headingley Carnegie stadium.Meeting with Mr. Arc Inspirations in a weeks timeMet with the Leeds Rhino's Chief Executive to discuss how we work together to create a Headingley football team. It went well, and we hope to update you soon!!Doncaster have got in touch too, checking in and loving what we're doing in regards to having a friendly with them.Nuts are almost certainly going to feature us, and not just as a small news section.Terry Venables is going to be interviewed about it all (the club have interviewed Gazza and Big Ron before for Charity Nights and El Tel is a 'friend of the club' so wants to help out).Big Ron asked us on to his radio show on Real Radio in Leeds so we went. He should be hopefully be lending a hand himself and has asked us to go on the show once a monthish to let the salivating public know the craic.Gillingham have sent us a signed ball and shirt.Brentford have sent over some signed programmes.Blackburn sent us a signed shirt too.The future's bright, the future's Old Headingley

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Here are two people we HAVE met...we've produced ffull length DVD's of the interview's, and can be purchased for a single ten pound [email protected] for more details...%D%A.. width="425" height="350" .. ..Anyone and everyone who can help! Whether it be support for what we are trying to save, advice, contacts, donations or even a solution! No help is too small, so even if you can only help by putting your name forward to support what we are doing, that will help to bring our situation to the masses!

My Blog

Where are we now ? ! ? !

Where are Old Headingley up to now, well ...... Liverpool ex pro's have been in touch, the game is definetly going ahead, "But who's playing, Sam??" I hear you scream, well let me tell you...John Barn...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 13:50:00 GMT

Who gets to look like Old Headingley?

Votes were counted, the pieces of paper were put into a hat... Independant adjudicator Mark Hairband pulled out........... Ste! Sorry to all those that didn't win...another competition will be startin...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 12:09:00 GMT

Be like us on a Saturday!

As promised, this week, the Save Old Headingley Campaign will be running a competition to to give away an Old Headingley shirt (the same as the one that can be seen in the bottom bar of the Skyrack. T...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:36:00 GMT

Keeping the world informed

Hey, We've now updated the Old Headingley website.  It now opens with our 'Per Pixel Advertising Hoarding'.  More details will be available in the next few days.  In the mean time, cont...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 17:31:00 GMT

Where have we come from??

Although Skyrack FC / Old Headingley AFC have a fairly short history, it is one which shows exactly which direction the club wants to go. Established in 2001 by Mr Allan Ware, Skyrack FC soon found th...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 15:04:00 GMT