Hey you! My name is Kristine and i live in the North-Norway, who is beautiful in the summer.. Im a scandinaven mix, half Norwegians and Half Dannish.. I have a beautiful family who means the world to me, and a twin sister that i love to death:) I love the natur, if the natur havent been, then i havent been eader.. So thank you God for made that beautiful natur.. And my biggest dream is to live out in the natur, and live life like a animal:) In the freetime, i like to listening to music, painting, singing, fishing, hunting, walk on the mountain etc...I hope someday, that it will be peace on this earth, no more war, no more hungry people whos near the death, no more people who have to live on the street frozen themself, no more rape, no more killing, no more animals who been torture to the death.. We cant do nothing else beside for hoping for a better world I made my TFS layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
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