WelcoMe AlL To My SpAcE..SyaIrIl_AdY
I interest about information technology,expecially web technology design.Also like study about computer and the component...like to play bowling and happy go lucky..Then ..aLso FrienDly PersOn..I alSo Like To MakE A lOt Of FrienD AroUnd The WoRld.3RMmmmMMmm...
iF U mY Fr3nS...U GoNNa KnoW M3...4h3kz...I Hat3 D3sCriBinG Mys3Lf - I'm NaRciSSiStiC 3nOugH aS iT iS. I'll JusT L3aV3 iT uP 2 Oth3R P3opL3 2 t3LL Da World HoW, ObseSSiv3 - ComPuLsiV3 n G33kY I CaN B3. Oh, n M3aN. W3 Musn'T Forg3T MeaN.
i'M kiNda p3RsoN That V3Ry siMpL3, a LiL biT cRazY (PpL uS3 tO caLL m3 psYcHo), LiK3 tO LaUgH a Lot, V3Ry oP3n-MiND3d (u caN juSt siMpLY taLk aBout aNiTiN wiTz M3) n H3Pi-gO-LucKy tYP3..a LiL bit HoT t3Mp3R wH3N ppL DisTuRb M3 iN a c3RtaiN paRticULaR tiM3..V3Ry paRtiCuLaR aBouT HYgi3N3.. i'M aLwaYs B3Li3v3 iN Mys3Lf..LoV3 tO Do aNy kiNd of aDV3NtuR3s tHiNg..n Lik3 tO MaK3 LoTsa fR3Ns..3V3RYboDY aR3 W3LcOM3..!!!
copyright© syairil_ady2007..Hak Cipta Terpelihara