Ryan profile picture


~ Pip ~ H K Guy ~ Canadian Guy ~ Boban ~

About Me

PROSH, PrOsH, pRoSh ! ! !

From Canada, New Zealand, Beijing, Hong Kong and Australia. Umm lived in a few places. Most peole think im completely insane and they are probably right. Huge party person, attend the tav every day im at uni.

To Evil. Muahahaha ! ! ! ! !
(for all the Terry Pratchet fans note laughter)

How would you be defined in the dictionary
Ryan Packer --

A human transformer (Robot in disguise)

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

My Interests

PROSH, the tav, drinking, clubbing, events, music, travelling, living.


Two main schools of music are Drum & Bass and Rock but if its music i like it. Please not pop is not considered music.


House is da bomb, Im the same cynical sarcatic bastard that he is!!!


Terry Pratchet, Ben Elton, Raymond E. Fiest, Loius McMaster Bujold and many many more