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Jesus! edger allan poe, sublime, curt kulbain, hippies, and cool people. Poets too, and my future wife where ever she is hiding...
Come, My child. Come and sit at my feet for awhile. Come and rest in My stillness. I know. I know the pain in your heart. It's ok. Give it to me. You no longer need to hold on to it. Let Me carry it for you, precious one. Your tears. I've caught them, here, in the palm of My hands. It's ok. I will turn them into your blessings. Just sit here for awhile. Soak Me in. I just love you so very much. There is so much that I want to share. So much that I desire to give you. You just need to be still right now. Lay your head on my lap. Let me shower you with the love that only I can give. I know your every need. I know your very soul. I want you to love who you are, who I am molding you into. I have a plan for you. A plan that only you and I together, can complete. It is already finished. I know the out come. You must trust Me. Lean on Me. Just be ready to go when I tell you to go. I will be with you every step of the way. Peace, be still My child, and know that I am God. Come, my child. Come and sit at my feet for awhile. copyright 2007*Sarah Ann B.
a href="http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individ
ual&videoid=4170142">SKILLET WHISPERS IN THE DARK
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