mY sPoRt iS voLLeybaLL * Badminton * sWimmiNg * BEACH * cOLor PINK * pLayiNg xBox * biLLiaRds * CooKing & eaTiNg * sLEEpinG * SoUndTrpiNgs * BAR Hopping * HanGoUt w/ my FriEnDs * waTchinG mOvieS * i-POD * Pizza * ShawArMa And BuriTos * SeaFooDs * CLoTheS * AccEsoriEs * MaLLing * perfuMe * maKeUp * BaGs *
i WaNa mEEt nEw PeopLe wHo cOnsiDer tHeMseLveS TRUE tO tHeiR fReNdS,i dOnT LikE "plastic" PeopLe,i doNt LikE gUys ThAt tAkE mE sO EasiLy.u MigHt tHinK iM eaSy bUt hEy!uR wRoNg! i DonT wAnT To bE iN tRoubLe i HaTe FigHTs,iT caN onLy wAsTe mY TimE.And aLsO i wAnnA mEEt yUng mGa sIMpLe pErO MaY DaTiNg, cUte,HiNdi MAHanGiN,TrUe To His/heR sELF, FaiThfuL, MaLamBinG, oPeN miNded, MaTurE sA paGiisip, mAsAya kaSama,sUm 1 I CaN HaV aCtuaL cOnvErsATioNs WiD tHinGs ThaT maTTer aNd ThinGs ThaT Don'T AnD cAn MakE mE sMiLe EvEn wHeN iM aT mY wEakEsT pOinT.i waNNa mEEt EveRyboDy wHo aRe iNteResTeD tO MeeT mE or kNow mE or jUst makE "FRIENDS" with mE.
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