kiss me we self destruct? profile picture

kiss me we self destruct?

About Me

My name is Michelle
I have brown hair, brown eyes and dimples .
I go to Champlain College.
I love playing sports . Soccer's my favorite.
I love to laugh ...REALLY LOUD. I am easily amused.
I am addicted to food , it is the love of my life.
I like wallowing around in my pyjamas, not having to get dressed.
I have a lot of shoes.
I like to drive and listen to my music full blast despite the fact that my stereo sucks balls.
I love my cellphone and go over my minutes every month.
I love to talk about anything and everything,
especially my scary reoccuring t-rex dinosaur dreams .
I love summer and not wearing a jacket.
I would like global warming to stop , but I'm cool with no snow probably because I am really bad at snowboarding.
Simple music quotes get me through a tough day.
More random rants about me:
I'm a nerd ...sometimes and my vocabulary is super sweet. Finding out new big words is super awesome lolol. I love my FRIENDS and my MUSIC too. I like a lot of different stuff, but rock and alternative are my favorite genres. I like singing in my car and going for random drives around Chats (not alone of course).
I'm all for the Habs and Steve Begin. Also, the Leafs SUCK! I like watching hockey cause I can't play. Being RANDOM is the best thing in the world. Spontaneous outbursts are PHENOMENAL! Riiiiibs from Montana's are the best supper food ever. I'm Canadian but I'm also German , and World Cup Team Germany is my favorite.
Drinking in friend's basements is the best pastime. I don't go clubbing, nor do I barhop. I like to stay in one area and partay! with my friends. I like my emo pants and my converse and my slipons, the way I dress is my decision, I don't care what anyone thinks of it, but if you like it YAY! Oh...and black socks are icky.
I like baskets of love, hugs and holding hands . Gnomes are cool too. Parc Safari is prolly the coolest place ever to go to and eat chicken and bread with, but driving there is a hassel. 5$ french fries are HUGE...just warning you now, and the best munchie snack ever is stale cereal.
I have a little bit of road rage . I like and cookies and candy too. I love pictures ! They are the best way to illustrate memory fun. Sleepage is a very good way to start Saturday mornings and soccer for Sundays.
I bite my nails , its my alternative to stress haha. I tryed to stop a couple of times...but whatever, it's a part of my daily life now. I need lypsyl at all times lol (some call that an OCD). I like bracelets and price tags too. British Opera songs and Grapes rock!
Anywho, there's nothing much else to say, I think I've said enough...OH! cept my goldfish's name is FrenchFry. I love him! Also, I really love McDonald's...It's all about Mc Mc Mc FRIDAYS!!!
Emo hearts are fun too !

Barbra Jean Lying Face

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