By nature I love and adore people and truly am a social flutterby at heart. As a result, I want to meet alot of people, because alot of people are really, really great.
I'd love to meet the guy who invented sticky notes, the guy who invented cookies, and the guy who lives under my bed (for we have yet to have a formal meeting).
And although it wont happen anytime soon, I would love to meet (and thank) all of the people who've made my life goals what they are. LOOKIN' AT YOU Walt Disney, David Lynch, Tim Burton, Stanley Kubrick, Johnny Depp, Robert L. Ripley, Seth MacFarlane, Hayao Miyazaki, Ed Wood, Dr. Seuss, and Vincent Price!! Oh, sure, most of them aren't presently able to take a message, but wouldn't it be swell to make their acquaitence anyhow?
Jim Morrison is to me what Aldous Huxley was to he; analogically speaking. He is/was/will be mentor to me without his knowing - intellectually, spiritually, musically. For shame he didn't like ice cream, or else I'd say we ought to have an ice cream date. Knowing what a taco fiend he was, maybe a Mexican night out would suit, instead? But in all seriousness, Jim is the figurehead of my adolescence and growing-up. Without him, it still would have happened but I can scarcely imagine who I'd've grown up to be.
After the beautiful experience the Doors bid to me and have enthralled me with for a great fraction of my life, I never once imagined that there would ever again be a band/solo artist who could ever revive those ancient flames; THEN ALONG CAME GRAM PARSONS. Gram's given me the ability and the drive to fall in love with music again and explore other genres more extensively than I'd ever wished to burrow before. Plus, he's a Florida boy and he was the heir ess to the Snively citrus plantations. I LOVE ORANGES. YESSSSS.
I want to see the Stonesies again, now, especially since now I know what they smell like.
Rog is God. I want to give Roger Waters a shirt I 'designed', desu.
MY MOM MET ROBERT F. KENNEDY AND GOT TO HOLD HIS HAND. By genetics, that means I have, too. Pretend my logic works, please.
I want to mary Lord George Gordon Noel-Byron; I want to marry him for the sake of being granted the ability to boast that my husband punched someone whilst riding a horse.
Yanno who else would be splendid to meet? Any single one of the typed pixels on my screen that I call my dearest friends.
for you traditionalist commenters.
The author of the Iliad is either Homer or, if not Homer, somebody else of the same name.